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Fraudulent representation ?

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 17 of 17

Where does it stop with TalkTalk?


On 23 Oct 2024 upon checking my account and speed I was prompted by a message from Talk Talk headed "It looks like you need a new router upgrade" to contact and to contact via a chat link.


I did this as prompted by the Talk Talk link provided.


That started a two hour process  where in the first 30 minutes I was connected first to the Technical Support Team then the Better Value Department then to a different agent in the Technical Support Team.


It then took one hour before the new router was actually ordered.

I was then told "Once you receive the new router, you should ensure you send the old one back using the returns bag provided with the replacement. If the old router is not returned you may be charged £50 for it". This suggest the router belongs to TalkTalk and has a value of £50.00


 After 66 minutes in a completely nonsensical exchange I was suddenly told I would be charged for the new router but IF that happened (?) I should contact Talk Talk who would waive the charge. There had been no mention of a charge for a new router before that. There was no mention of what the charge would be. This means TalkTalk were selling me the new router but I wasn't given the price. However, they wanted the old one back.or it would cost me £50.00.


So. who owneed the new one? 


Is it Talk Talk policy to tell customers they need a replacement piece of equipment owned by Talk Talk but not tell them there is a charge for it until after it has been ordered and to not tell them what that charge is?


I asked to be transferred to a Complaints Manager. This process had now taken one hour and twenty minutes. After another confusing exchange with this agent I was told "I will put a credit in your account now for 69.95 pounds. This is the equivalent charge for the router and for the delivery." No breakdown of that cost.




Is it Talk Talk policy that having processed an order to then (after over an hour in chat) to tell the customer IF  they get charged for it to contact Talk Talk again?  Is it Talk Talk policy to suggest they will then waive the charge despite having already charged for it ? That makes it a refund not a "waive" .




The new router arrived. Despite what was stated, there was no returns bag. I had already been threatened with a charge of 69.95 for a new router which I may or may not have to pay for before it was "waived" which Talk Talk hadn't told me about until after it was ordered, plus £50 if I didn't return the old one in the bag supplied.



When my November bill arrived it did not clearly or accurately reflect the information I had been given.

Is it TalkTalk policy to send out what look like fraudulent bills?


I questioned this bill with another agent via the chat .


During that conversation it transpired that TalkTalk had elected to credit my account for an amount without making it clear what the breakdown for that credit actually was. The amount of £69.95 as stated in the first chat - "I will put a credit in your account now for 69.95 pounds. This is the equivalent charge for the router and for the delivery."  was inaccurate and misleading. The actual router and delivery charge was £39. 95. The subsequent bill did not accurately reflect that. TalkTalk added £30.00 but none of this information was made clear. 


Is it Talk Talk policy to make bills suspicious and confusing?


I have had further online chats, (the equivilent of over six hours and trabscribed) no resposes to my email, documented promises of calls which didn't come and then today a random call from a rude customer service person who had incorrect information and just seem to take the angle that somehow none of this is TalkTalks responsibility, was very keen to say that they don't compensate for customers time and then talked over me when I was trying to outline the complaint. 


I have asked time and time again for a written response. It hasn't come.



The whole process  - not over yet - is very bad practice from the very start.


Message 1 of 17

Thanks for your input. 
The information already received is proving very useful as much for what is says aa what it doesn’t say. 
I understand you don’t know the answer but someone does and thank you for taking the time. 

Message 2 of 17

None of us is going to be able to tell you that. It's Talktalk's business and a private matter between them and each customer. 


You won't get anywhere with this line of enquiry. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 3 of 17



Hi Gliwmaeden2


Thanks for that - I did find the "loss of service" terms already which as you say are  published..


I'm still trying to establish though what the discretional guidelines might be for my complaint.


My point is this - if my TalkTalk bill was £150 a month (it isn't anywhere near that) would TalkTalk still be offering me four months compensation as they are now?  


Message 4 of 17

The only kind of compensation that is at all at a fixed rate is the "automatic compensation" awarded after total loss of service etc [see full details if you plug the term into the forum search engine]. Even automatic compensation can be capped.


Everything else is entirely discretionary, partly because the compensation offered is a reflection of widely differing circumstances, @SWSWSW1.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 17

This is a question for general public members of the forum and NOT TalkTalk representatives who for various reasons are unable to answer the question and therefore don't have to respond further.



 TalkTalk are offering me compensation based on giving me an amount of monthly "free service".  This compensation amount is  therefore based on what I pay monthly is rather than a fixed scale rate.

Has anyone else experienced this and know if the cap on that offer is based on a number of months or the monetary value of those months?


Message 6 of 17

Hi Karl,


Thanks for your further response which please don't feel you need to elaborate on or respond further.





Message 7 of 17



I'm sorry, but we have our processes to follow here.  As your issue has been taken to deadlock, we will not discuss this with you via this forum, and you will need to discuss all related matters with the complaints teams directly.




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Message 8 of 17

Hi again Karl,


I must have missed the bit where I was told "this is not something we can discuss with you".


It's a very simple question and it's very interesting that TalkTalk don't include an answer in their Terms and Conditions and won't answer directly.



As previously stated I've asked the "complaint handler (s)" and had no answer. 













As mentioned, this is not something we can discuss with you.  as a deadlock letter has been issued, you will need to channel all discussion via your complaint handler , or , as deadlock has been agreed, you can take this to the external ombudsman services of CICAS.



Karl. "


Message 9 of 17



As mentioned, this is not something we can discuss with you.  as a deadlock letter has been issued, you will need to channel all discussion via your complaint handler , or , as deadlock has been agreed, you can take this to the external ombudsman services of CICAS.




Check & Report l Our latest Blog l Set Your Preferences l Service Status l Help with your Service l Community Stars

Working From Home Tips

Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 10 of 17

Hi Karl, 

Thanks for confirming that. 


So if TalkTalk are offering me compensation based on "free service" it is therefore based on what I pay monthly whatever that amount is rather than a fixed scale rate.

Is the cap on that offer based on an offered number of months or the monetary value of those months?


 I have asked my "complaint handler(s)" the question but the question wasn't answered.


Message 11 of 17



Compensation amounts are not covered in terms and conditions, and is something you will need to discuss with your complaint handler.




Check & Report l Our latest Blog l Set Your Preferences l Service Status l Help with your Service l Community Stars

Working From Home Tips

Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 17

As this dispute rumbles on and apparently has now reached "deadlock" could someone answer a question for me?  This is not about loss of connection which has a fixed compensation scale,  but is about TalkTalk's appalling customer service and  continued misrepresentation.


I have now been offered compensation of four months free service and because my monthly bill is relatively low, the compensation amount is low. 

The qustion is if I were paying £200 monthly, would the compensation amount therefore be £800 ? 

The basis of seems entirely wrong to me. 


I can't find an answer any in the Term & Conditions.


Message 13 of 17

@SWSWSW1, if this is in the hands of a complaints manager, there's little that forum staff are likely to be able to do to intervene in the process.


Staff will be back on here on Monday, so hopefully they will be able to read your post after the weekend and they'll clarify the situation a bit then.


Till that time, it's best not to post further, so as to keep your thread's place in the queue for attention. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 14 of 17

Billx, thanks.


I wish was all the was to it, but the ongoing handling of the situation has been appalling and it still isn't resolved.


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 17

I've had similar problems with TalkTalk's billing system. It can't present properly which are credits and which are debits. A debit or credit might be shown without saying what it is for. It doesn't show the correct balance forward, which should come at the bottom of the bill.

Your criticisms, @SWSWSW1 are valid and deserved.





Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 17
