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Phishing emails - everything you need to know

Phishing is a scam that uses email to try and trick you into giving out confidential information. They will often use familiar logos and look like they've come from a genuine company or person, but are actually sent by criminals who want to access your online accounts and details.

Some of the common giveaways that you’re dealing with a scammer...

  • Authority: Is the message claiming to be from someone official?
  • Urgency: Are you being told you only have a limited time to respond?
  • Emotion: Are you expecting to receive a message like this and does it make you feel panicked, curious or hopeful?

Scammers are constantly changing their approach, finding new ways to trick you. Check out the recent examples of phishing emails we've stopped   so you can see exactly what they look like. We've added an email authentication system called DMARC to TalkTalk webmail. This confirms if emails are genuine and have been verified as they come with a gold padlock, look out for the gold padlock icon. If you've received a phishing email claiming to be from TalkTalk, Report it to us straight away.


Recent Phishing emails


other things to
look for

Further clues to be aware of.

Things to look for

don't be tempted
to reply

It's easy to be drawn into these.

Don't reply



We take your security very seriously, so if you've received an email pretending to be from TalkTalk, please let us know. Our security team will look into this, block and help prevent customers from falling foul to criminals.

If you spot a phishing email claiming to be from us,  report it to us and our security team will then check through these and block them on our network where appropriate. 


How to
report Spam

If you're using our TalkTalk mail, then it's really easy


How to report phishing email

It's really easy to let us know about Phishing emails


Report phishing

Adding emails to Blocklist

It can be annoying when you receive unwanted emails from scammers.  If you receive an unsolicited email you can add the sender to your blocklist, you will no longer receive emails from this sender.