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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

On the Talktalk website Account no access to "Billing" as it "hangs" and will not connect to bills.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 1

Customers using Firefox may find they cannot access Billing on their TalkTalk account
This is due to Firefox implementing "Enhanced Tracking Protection"
To resolve;
Click the Firefox "Shield icon" to the left of the Firefox browser Address bar.
Turn off "Enhanced Tracking Protection".
Immediatley The Talktalk account will access Billing and Payments and allow all to see their Bills.
Alternativley use Microsoft Edge if not in any tracking protection mode.

I have informed Firefox of the issue, which begs the question is Talktalk tracking its account  holders or is it some quirky bug between Firefox, and Talktalk.
Hope this gets to probably many who use Firefox, and like myself have gone for 6 months with no access to Talktalk billing.
Talktalk reps were excellent and did indeed suggest it may be a Firefox stricter security protocol but the answer well known on Firefox that their stricter security protocol make Websites "breakup".
Until fully resolved use the Shield Icon to the left of the address bar and turn off Enhaced Tracking Protection just for this TalkTalk site when accessing Billing and Payments information.