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Fix a problem with your Network Connectors

Network Connectors provide a convenient way to extend a wired connection from your router, without using long cables. If you're having trouble with setup or usage, here's how to resolve any issues with your Network Connectors.


Check your setup

The way you set up your Network Connectors can affect their performance. Check the following:

  1. Plug your Network Connectors directly into your wall sockets
  2. Don't use any surge protectors or extension cables
  3. Keep your Network Connectors away from household appliances that use a lot of power, like your fridge or washing machine
  4. Avoid charging your mobile phone next to your Network Connectors
  5. Keep your Network Connectors on while you are watching TV and during the night to get the latest updates


Reboot your Network Connectors

Try rebooting your Network Connectors. Switch them both off and leave them off for 30 seconds, then turn them both back on and see if they sync up automatically.


Pair your Network Connectors again

If your Network Connectors don't sync up automatically and the powerline light is off, you'll need to re-pair them:

  1. Press and release the pair button on the bottom of the Network Connector that is connected to your router. The power light will start blinking green
  2. Within 2 minutes, press and release the pair button on the second Network Connector. The power light will turn solid green and the powerline light on both connectors will start flashing green
  3. You should now be connected