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Fix a problem with your Wireless Powerline Adapters

Take a look at our troubleshooting steps to help fix any problems with your wireless Powerline adapters.

Where you choose to plug in your Powerline adapters may affect their performance. Check the following:

  1. Plug your adapters into a mains electrical wall socket if possible
  2. Using an extension can impact performance and in some cases stop your adapters from working at all
  3. If you have to use an extension, use a power strip and plug your adapter into the socket nearest to the cable
  4. Avoid plugging your adapters into sockets that are located near appliances that use a lot of power, like your washing machine or fridge
  5. Try not to plug in other power adapters (like phone chargers) next to your adapters


Take a look at the lights on your wireless Powerline adapters. They should all be a solid green, apart from the Ethernet light which should be blinking.




If any of the lights are off, this could indicate a problem.


This table describes the light status
Light Status Description
Power On Power on and ready.
Off Make sure the adapter and wall socket are both switched on.
Blinking The adapter is starting up after the reset button was pressed.
Powerline On Connected to another powerline adapter.
Off No other powerline adapter found.
Ethernet Blinking Ethernet cable is connected and data is being sent over the connection.
Off No Ethernet connection. Make sure the Ethernet cable is connected securely.
Wireless On The adapter is connected to Wi-Fi.
Off No wireless connection found.


Turn both adapters off and leave them off for 30 seconds, then turn them both back on and see if they sync up automatically.


If your Powerline adapters don't sync up automatically and the powerline light is off, you should try to re-pair them:

  1. Press the pair button on the Powerline transmitter for 2 seconds
  2. Press and hold the pair button on the Powerline receiver until the power LED becomes solid amber
  3. After releasing the pair button, the wireless LED will start blinking
  4. Press the WPS button on your router
  5. If the connection is successful, the wireless LED will stop blinking and the power LED will become solid amber again for 6 seconds
  6. If the connection is unsuccessful, the wireless LED will stop blinking and power LED will stay solid green. If this happens, factory reset your adapters using the steps below then try pairing them again


Press the reset button - using a safety pin or something similar - on each adapter for 10 seconds whilst they are plugged in. Then pair the adapters again using the steps above.