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Retune your Free To Air channels

There's always new channels coming from Free to Air, so it's worth retuning your TalkTalk TV Box every now and then to check. Retuning your box will add any new channels to your TV Guide, pick up any channels that may have moved as well as remove any that are no longer available.

You can retune your TalkTalk TV box at any time. The first thing to check is that your aerial is plugged into your set top box. 

You'll need a working TV aerial plugged into your TalkTalk TV box to receive Free to Air  channels. The number of Free to Air channels you receive will depend upon your location in the country and atmospheric conditions.


TalkTalk TV HubTalkTalk TV Hubtalktalk tv

TalkTalk TV 4K BoxTalkTalk TV 4K Boxtalktalk tv
4k box

TalkTalk TV BoxTalkTalk TV Boxtalktalk tv

TalkTalk TV Plus BoxTalkTalk TV Plus BoxTalktalk tv
plus box


The following steps will guide you through retuning the channels on your TalkTalk TV Box:

  1. Press the Home button on your TV Hub remote
  2. Press the up arrow to select Settings (cog)
  3. Select TV Settings
  4. Select TV channels
  5. Select Retune channels

Once tuning is complete, select the appropriate TV region and press the Back button to return to your channels.


  1. Press the Home button on your remote
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select TV Channels
  4. Select Re-scan and press OK

Once scanning is complete, select the appropriate TV region from the next option down. You can also see our help video for more information.


Make sure that your TalkTalk Plus box isn't due to start recording a programme before retuning. It may take a few minutes and interrupt your scheduled recordings. 

  1. Depending on which remote you have, press the Menu or youview button
  2. Press the up arrow to select Settings
  3. Select TV Channels
  4. Select Retune channels

You'll see the number of available aerial (Freeview) channels displayed on your TV.