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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Internet not connecting after moving house

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We recently moved house and arranged to take our broadband with us. Yesterday (5/12) was connection day and I got an email around 2pm to say that it had all been set up and ready to go...

Unfortunately, after plugging the router in it simply fails to connect to the internet. I just get a continuously flashing orange light (a "slow" blink - roughly one second on, one second off - rather than the "fast" blink when the router is first turned on).

I did a connection test from my account which initially stated that a fault had been identified (Fault Ref REP-12213126), but I then got a text message a few minutes later to say that "we've tested your broadband line and it looks like it's working as it should be".

I later went through the live chat service and none of the tests they ran identified any issues. 

Does anybody have any ideas?

Only thing I can think of is that the phone socket I'm connecting to may not be the "master socket" as mentioned in the install guides (I'm not sure how to identify), but I've tried in two different sockets with the same result.