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Unable to access the internet following windows 8 or 10 update

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Microsoft is currently investigating an issue with network connectivity following a recent update to their Windows10 Operating system. After installing the update some customers with devices using Windows 10 are experiencing a loss of internet connection, this is due to the fact that the update is affecting the network connection between your broadband router and your PC or Laptop. This issue is affecting Microsoft customers from around the world and isn't specific to TalkTalk.


If you're having difficulty accessing the internet, you can easily check if this issue is affecting you, by trying to access the internet using a non windows device such as an iPad, iPhone or android mobile phone or tablet. Make sure that your device is connected to your broadband router using wireless with your mobile data turned off.


If these other devices are able to connect to the internet then you should contact Microsoft for further support as we’ll be unable to help you further. We’d suggest you follow Microsoft’s advice to restart your PC or Laptop, you can find out more about this on the Microsoft Support Site or by following the below steps:


  1. Select the Windows key in the bottom left corner
    Windows Key
  2. Click the power logo (just above the Windows logo).

  3. Choose Restart or Update and Restart


Updating your pc

  1. Select the Windows key in the bottom left corner
    Windows Key
  2. The easiest thing to do here is type “updates” the best match should be “Check for updates” Select that link.

  3. The next page should show automatically that it is checking for updates, it will also start to install these without any user intervention, you may need to restart after this has completed.

Note: Do not shut down your PC or laptop, you should only restart it.


Stephen, Community Manager