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You'll find best answers throughout the community, these are questions which have been answered by one of our members. You're only able to accept a post as a best answer on your own topics "questions", if the answer to your question is within one of the replies you should accept it as the best answer. You can do this by clicking the Best Answer button.


Should I always accept a post as a Best Answer? 

No. Best answers are a way of other members and visitors quickly finding solutions. We encourage all members to mark a post as a best answer but only when you've got your solution. Also think about other members and if the post your accepting as an answer would be useful to them should they have the same or similar question. 


What does a Best Answer question look like?

When browsing the community you'll notice green ticks next to topics, these show that a answer has been found. When looking at a discussion you'll also notice that the answer in question is highlighted with a green background to help other users locate it. 

Stephen, Community Manager