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How to make International Calls

It's really easy to make an international call from your TalkTalk landline. You'll need to:

  1. Know the international dialling code for the destination you're calling
  2. Dial 00 to get the international service, then dial the international code
  3. Dial the number you want to call, without the first zero

For example, to call a French number 01 12 34 56 78 90, you'd dial 00331 12 34 56 78 90.


How much do international calls cost?

The cost varies depending on the destination you're calling, which you can check on our International Call Costs page. If you make regular international calls, shrink your bill and save by adding the International Max Boost through My Account.


International dialling codes

To call destinations outside of the UK, you'll need the international dialling code of the country you're calling. Search the below table for codes of popular destinations, If the country you're looking for isn't on the list, then more International Dialling Codes can be found in your phone book or online.


This table shows the country and it's dialling code
Destination  Dialling code
Algeria 213
Argentina 54
Australia 61
Austria 43
Bahamas 1242
Bangladesh 880
Barbados 1246
Belarus 375
Belgium 32
Bolivia 591
Brazil 55
Bulgaria 359
Canada 1
Chile 56
China 86
Colombia 57
Croatia 385
Cuba 53
Cyprus 357
Czech Republic 420
Denmark 4
Ecuador 593
El Salvador 503
Estonia 372
Ethiopia 251
Fiji 679
Finland 358
France 33
French Polynesia 689
Georgia 995
Germany 49
Ghana 233
Gibraltar 350
Greece 30
Guatemala 502
Guyana 592
Haiti 509
Honduras 504
Hong Kong 852
Hungary 36
Iceland 354
India 91
Indonesia 62
Iran 98
Iraq 964
Ireland 353
Israel 972
Italy 39
Jamaica 1876
Japan 81
Jordan 962
Kazakhstan 7
Kenya 254
Korea (North) 850
Korea (South) 82
Kuwait 965
Latvia 371
Lebanon 961
Libya 218
Liechtenstein 4175
Lithuania 370
Luxembourg 352
Macedonia 389
Malaysia 60
Malta 356
Mexico 52
Moldova 373
Mongolia 976
Morocco 212
Nepal 977
Netherlands 31
New Zealand 64
Nicaragua 505
Nigeria 234
Norway 47
Pakistan 92
Panama 507
Paraguay 595
Peru 51
Philippines 63
Poland 48
Portugal 351
Romania 40
Russian Federation  7
Somalia 252
Samoa (Western) 685
Samoa (USA) 684
Saudi Arabia 966
Singapore 65
Slovak Republic 421
Slovenia 386
South Africa 27
Spain 34
Sri Lanka 94
Sudan 249
Swaziland 268
Sweden 46
Switzerland 41
Syria 963
Taiwan 886
Thailand 66
Tonga 676
Tunisia 216
Turkey 90
Ukraine 380
UAE 971
Uruguay 598
USA / America 1
Venezuela 58
Vietnam 84
Zaire 243
Zimbabwe 263

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