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Restore your TalkTalk TV box to factory settings

Resetting your TalkTalk TV Box to factory settings can help fix some issues. If your box has frozen and requires a restart, you should power off your TV box (via the wall socket) and wait for a few minutes before switching it back on again.

When powered back on, if the box displays the same behaviour, you should follow the below steps to complete a full factory reset. You should only use this option after all other diagnostics have been completed.

talktalk tv box Model Names

TalkTalk TV HubTalkTalk TV Hubtalktalk tv

Model: TalkTalk STB

TalkTalk TV 4K BoxTalkTalk TV 4K Boxtalktalk tv
4k box

Model: TalkTalk TV 4K Box
Powered by Netgem TV

TalkTalk TV BoxTalkTalk TV Boxtalktalk tv

Model: DN360T

TalkTalk TV Plus BoxTalkTalk TV Plus BoxTalktalk tv
plus box

Model DN370T
Model DN372T

If you complete a full factory reset you'll lose all your custom settings, reminders and credentials of 'On Demand' apps during a factory reset.
If you have a TalkTalk TV 4K or Plus Box you’ll also lose any recorded programmes along with any scheduled recordings. We only recommend a factory reset as a last resort.

After you've reset your box you’ll need to complete the setup wizard by following the onscreen steps, download any apps you've previously added and sign-in to any app that requires credentials. To perform a full factory reset:

  1. Press the Home button on your TV Hub remote
  2. Press the up arrow to select Settings (cog)
  3. Select Device Preferences
  4. Select Factory reset
  5. Select Factory reset again to confirm
  6. Select Delete everything if you are sure you want to delete all personal settings and installed apps and return the TV Hub to factory default.

If your TV Hub is unresponsive and you're unable to complete the above steps, use the Recovery mode to reset. 


  1. Press the Home button on your remote
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Advanced
  4. Enter your PIN
  5. Select Reset settings

After you’ve reset your box you’ll need to complete the setup wizard by following the onscreen steps. If you're using the TalkTalk TV 4K App, you'll need to log out of the App and back in again to enter your new pairing code.


Alternatively, you can press and hold the power button on the side of your device until the screen goes black. Or, press the button 5 times in quick succession. This will initiate the setup process.


You can reset your TalkTalk TV Box to factory settings by following the below steps: 

  1. Depending on which remote you have, press the Menu or youview button
  2. Press the up arrow to select Settings
  3. Select Factory Reset
  4. Select Reset

After you’ve reset your box to factory settings, you’ll need to complete the setup wizard by following the onscreen steps.


If you would like to try and keep your recorded programmes, you can try factory reset through the maintenance mode option first. Alternatively, if you're happy to delete any recorded programmes, please follow these simple steps: 

  1. Depending on which remote you have, press the Menu or youview button
  2. Press the up arrow to select Settings
  3. Select Factory Reset
  4. Select Reset

After you’ve reset your box to factory settings, you’ll need to complete the setup wizard by following the onscreen steps.