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Using Google Assistant

using google assistant

Learn how to do more on your TV using voice.

Hey GoogleHey Google



do more on your tv using your voice

Get a little help on your big screen. You'll need to be logged into your Google Account for this feature to work.

enjoy entertainment

Search your favourite shows and ask Google Assistant to turn up the volume, dim the lights or pause and rewind.

plan your day

Set reminders and timers, ask what the weather's looking like or check what the traffic's like on your route to work.

the personal touch

Get personalised updates when you sign in with your Google Account. including TV recommendations.


how do I use google assistant?

Simply press and release the Google Assistant button. It's the central button on your remote showing either:
Google Assistant Microphone buttonGoogle Assistant Microphone button Google Assistant Molecule buttonGoogle Assistant Molecule button
Microphone or Google Assistant molecule button.
You can then use your voice to search for shows, open apps, control smart devices, and more. If you would like more information on the different ways you can use Google Assistant on your TV, check out Google Assistant Help.

Press the google assistant button on your remote and try saying

Asking Google Assistant buttonAsking Google Assistant button

control your smart home

Use your voice to create the perfect viewing environment. Control smart home devices throughout your home. Adjust room temperature, lighting, or control other connected devices.*
*Requires compatible device, sold separately


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