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Emails not getting through to Yahoo (AOL Sky)

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 4

January 28th. For the last week or two I had wondered why people were not replying to me then I got a batch "mail undelivered notices" all related to Yahoo and therefore Sky and AOL. This at least the third time this has happened and it is really inconvenient. Last time Yahoo accused TalkTalk of passing scam mails or something like that. As TalkTalk, Yahoo and AOL are all part of the same group why cannot you all get together and stop this happening. There is no warning of this situation issued so we customers have to work it out for ourselves and then wait ages for TalkTalk to sort it out. What is the current situation.


Message 1 of 4

Sadly some of the biggest problems are weak passwords, customers clicking links in Phishing mails and the Spammers ability to negotiate mail filters better. If I were to choose AOL or Gmail I'd choose Gmail as it works very reliably. I use it at home although the main downside is google's need to datamine in order to sell said data. 



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 4

What you appear to be saying Ady is that TalkTalk are regularly failing to monitor their mail service, allowing spam mail to circulate, whereas Yahoo, and therefore AOL, are able to detect it and block TalkTalk's IP address and subsequently my, definitely not spam, emails. This really suggests that I should close TalkTalk email and migrate to Gmail or AOL as those accounts do not suffer these inconveniences, which happen more than I would like. I do not want to do this but it looks inevitable.




Support Team
Private Message
Message 3 of 4

Hi Gearboxes, Yahoo and AOL are nothing to do with TalkTalk. They're rejecting TalkTalk mail due to the amount of spam being sent out by TalkTalk customers. I've raised an incident for this several weeks ago and chase for updates regularly. 



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