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Increase in Phishing emails

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 8

I have seen an increase in the Phishing emails on all three family email addresses, all are, I must be forwarding 5 a day on each account to TalkTalk, this has now been going on for weeks.

I pay TalkTalk for the privilege of having their email accounts, my free email accounts with gmal and do not suffer with this problem, I have today send another batch of these emails to TalkTalk, if they cannot put a stop to them, I will take my custom to a different provider who takes customer service seriously . 


Message 1 of 8

The incident has been open for quite a while now. I provide as much information as is requested from us.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 2 of 8

Still getting up to six a day on each email account, I keep reporting them, looks to me like the email team have no idea how to stop these emails. I think I will be better off ending my account with talktalk and finding a new provider who supports their customers.



Message 3 of 8

Hi toddben, this issue is in the hands of the email team and OpenXchange who now handle the anti spam filtering and antivirus for the mail platform. Hopefully, they'll find the fix soon.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 4 of 8

@toddben, it's worth popping your email address into the site here, to check whether it's ever been harvested:


My and Gmail come up clean. I very rarely get spam / scam messages in these.


I get frequent phishing stuff in my Hotmail account because there was a massive breach in 2017. Same with Yahoo. That address shows up as harvested when I check it in the linked page I posted above. 


You can change your password loads of times, but it doesn't stop the address being targeted with rubbish and occasionally being spoofed.


Hotmail  / Outlook usually sends them correctly to spam but does let them in. It does sometimes drop the ball and they slip into my inbox.


In an ideal world, Outlook would catch them every time and must know that these are scammers because many use the same formulae.


If it's obvious to me it must be obvious to Outlook...


So, just saying it's worth checking whether the Tiscali addresses have been harvested.


If so, you will find these addresses bombarded and, even though, yes, we would like to see Talktalk doing a better job at stopping the dodgy emails getting in, even Microsoft with all its trillions can't stop all phishing scams slipping through.


Forum staff are back on here during the week to respond.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 5 of 8

OK. Fair enough, @toddben 




Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 8

Regardless of what they are TalkTalk are doing nothing to prevent them, as stated, I do not get any of them with outlook or gmail.

Either TalkTalk are incompetent or they have given up on looking after their customers, because two other providers simple do not have this problem.


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 8

Are you sure all of them are Phishing emails. Maybe some or all of them are just spam emails?





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