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Setting up E-mail on second iphone

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 20 of 20

I cannot get my partners new iphone working on e-mail. The password is not accepted but her old i phone still works with e-mail.


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 20

Eventually I got the reset instructions from TalkTalk Chat and the e-mail address N******** has now got a password.


The delay was due to my alternate e-mail address not being picked up by Outlook even though my main e-mail address does get picked up by Outlook.


So my main problem appears to be solved but I would like to know more about the Outlook glitch.


Message 2 of 20

Provide an alternate email address and mobile number to receive the password reset codes and I'll get it added so that you can reset the password and it should work normally. 



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 20

To repeat my key points, we do know:-


1. Her phone is OK and can access my two e-mail addresses that still have have passwords.

2. The third e-mail address, which is really one of mine that I set up for her use, is as good as eliminated since I cannot enter a password to use that e-mail address. The original password merely comes up as invalid.

3. I cannot set up another e-mail address for her to use, due to "backend maintenance".


So please tell me step by step what I have to do to reinstate a password for for my third e-mail address N*******


Message 4 of 20

Nope we don't know that as that's not what I posted. I posted that the email address appears in full working in order on our email systems. What needs to happen is that your partner never added the password reset details when requested and now is struggling to reset the password. Once its done everything should work fine. 


Just to reiterate the email address exists on our servers and is not missing and your partner doesn't need to create a new email address they just need to provide the desire alternate contact information as I requested so that we can when your partner requests it reset the password. 



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 20

And so we now know:


1. This problem was nothing to do with my partner's phone as confirmed by experts in the phone shop.

2. TalkTalk have eliminated one of our e-mail addresses by preventing changing or setting up a password for this e-mail address.

3. We cannot set up another e-mail address due to "backend maintenance work".


I already knew that TalkTalk were disorganised, not customer caring and had weak internal software expertise but this latest situation is of grave concern to me and, unless corrected soon, will result in my escalation of the situation within TalkTalk and to external bodies. 


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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 20

She can log in using our other two e-mail addresses but not the e-mail address N********** that I have PMd to you.


I cannot log in to that address either on my laptop either.


This e-mail address N*********** was in perfect working order until she tried to change the password.


We would like that e-mail address back.


If, for a reason yet to be explained, we cannot get that e-mail address back then I would set up another e-mail address for her use on her iphone or her kindle which will cause some inconvenience to her and her contacts.


I cannot set up another e-mail address on the system because of "back end maintenance".


Message 7 of 20

I'm not sure if I've made myself clear. I'm not worried what device she can't connect on, but I need to know can she login to TalkTalk Webmail



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 20

Reference your last question, she can access our other two e-mail addresses on her phone with the correct passwords. The phone is OK and no longer part of the picture.


We cannot log in to the e-mail address I sent to you by PM either on her phone, kindle or my laptop.


TalkTalk reports that the original password is invalid and will not permit setting up a new password on the e-mail address I sent to you by PM. This e-mail address worked perfectly for a long time until we tried changing the password.


I'll say this once more; I cannot even set up a new e-mail address for her to use on her phone because TalkTalk have disabled this function due to "backend maintenance work".


So her old e-mail address is inaccessible and I can't set up a new one for her, or me for that matter should I wish to have one.


Is that all clear?



Message 9 of 20

Does her email work in webmail? 



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 20

And so, here we have another TalkTalk glitch that is taking too long to solve or will never be solved.


Can't even set up another e-mail address for my partner due to 'backend maintenance'. I wonder if that's just a name for another major problem in the TalkTalk system.


In the near future I will be going full fibre and will be the perfect time to change to another ISP.


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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 20

Her phone can send and receive messages using one of my other e-mail addresses. It is her own e-mail address and password that now fails to work and you have been PMd with that address.


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 20

Now her Kindle has stopped working on e-mails. Must be something at the TalkTalk end?


You have received her e-mail address from my PM.


Message 13 of 20

She definitely needs to check its working in webmail too so that we know the credentials are correct. 



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 20

Her old phone is now not working on e-mail.


My e-mail on laptop is working normally.


I will PM her e-mail address as requested.


Message 15 of 20

Email is working on other devices just not the new phone. Experts at the phone shop couldn't identify the problem and gave up. Password reset and it still works when the details are changed on the old devices but not when added to new device as new account.  Is the new phone using the same mail app as the old phone?


Please send me the affected email address by personal message and I'll check for failed connections at our servers. 



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Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 20

Yes, she has tried a password reset to no avail. Just to repeat myself, an experienced independent phone shop could not get past the password problem and were convinced this must be referred to TalkTalk.


The 'new' phone is an iphone 11.


Message 17 of 20

Has she tried doing a password reset to ensure she's got the correct password?



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Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 20

I think so. She gets e-mails normally on her old phone but password cannot be set up on new phone. The phone shop could not set it up and said she must talk to TalkTalk to get the problem fixed.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 19 of 20

Hi BTFan, I take it webmail works ok too? 



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