Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 31-10-2023 12:44 AM
So I appear to be not getting all my emails but I do get some.
For example I have sent emails my account to my account and they arrive in both my email app and webmail. I have also received others from bank, mini etc But some other companies they are not arriving an example is sky from, they arrive in my gmail account but not my tiscali account.
I have tried my wife tiscali account and they do arrive from but why not mine?
This is only recently happening but also some emails from Apple TV, Tui, Amazon just no longer arriving?
There is no filter on my inbox.
Something is selectively blocking some of my emails arriving in my tiscali account but from the same address they arrive in my wife tiscali account...
What's going on? How can this be fixed
on 31-10-2023 07:48 AM
There's no TalkTalk network block obviously because your wife's mailbox is receiving from the same source. There is an error in the originator's SPF file on their domain but that isn't stopping mail from being delivered.
Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail
Enter your full TalkTalk Mail tiscali email address, select Continue and enter the password, select Sign in.
Did you check for (Filter) Rules in your TalkTalk webmail mailbox? And check in the Spam folder?
If you don't find any Rules are defined, the next step is to ask the originator(s) to ask their email admins to check to make sure your email address is not on their mail sending suppression list? Mail sending services operate suppression lists to put a stop on sending to any addresses that bounce back mail as undeliverable. So if the mailbox happened to be unavailable just when mail delivery was attempted then there may be a stop on sending.
Gondola Community Star 2017-2024
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