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Bills taken twice last August

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6

Last August, a payment of £26.00 was taken on 02 August, followed by another payment of £26.00 on 30th August. Can you clarify why two payments of £92 were taken in on month?


Message 1 of 6

Thanks for that.  Me being of a senior age find it difficult to understand that if in this computerised  age a programme is set up for a regular activity (electronic payment) how do TalkTalk manage to make it so variable ? Incidentally my monthly bills are generated on the 28th or thereabouts , but the last one was on 21st... just another anomaly to add to the list.


Message 2 of 6

The two payments were for two separate months. The point I was trying to make is that TalkTalk are not taking the payments at any set regularity. I have nominated the 5th but looking back through My Account payment is very rarely processed any where near that date. I have other utilities and companies that I pay using Direct Debit and all except TalkTalk take payment on or just after my nominated date.  I cannot recall any others taking payments 6 days prior to my nominated date. Another discrepancy is that the payment due date on my bills is hardly ever in line with the Direct Debit instructions.


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 6

Although both payments were taken in technically the same month, they are 4 weeks apart.

From my own experience, my monthly bills are produced on the 1st of the month but the date the DD is taken can vary from about the 7th to about the 11th. If your DD is generally taken very near the beginning or end of a month, could it be that one of those payments was for the previous or next month taken a day or two earlier or later than average?



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 6

@Lasamarc and @Julesconverty


Very odd.


Were you actually billed twice too, and if so, does My Account show exactly which dates were supposed to be covered each time?


If not, does it seem like they've taken money twice for the same bill?


Staff will be back after the weekend to reply.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 6

Hi Julesconverty. Strange that, I had exactly the same dates and payments taken as you, as I posted Friday, although my Direct Debit instructions allow for payments to be made on the 5th . Probably a computer error ! ! , I can't see  TalkTalk owning up to a human making such a mess of the system.