For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
Please would you tell me the authentication mode for 5G. They all seem to provide weak security
Hi Ferguson
I’ll keep an eye on it. I carried out the same series of stages repeatedly, rebooting phone, ipad and router in between and finally it worked. I left the house today and when I came back my phone decided to tell me it had weak security again. I rebooted and it was happy
The setting you highlight is the strongest available to you. Was this warning on a particular device?
Everything was fine until I switched to 2.4GHz for my printer but when I returned to 5GHz I had the weak security warning
Thanks ferguson. I’ve tried all of these options but these are the only ones on offerHi ferguson. Ive tried all of these options but these are all that are on offer
Do you mean for WiFi 5GHz? WPA2-PSK (AES) is the strongest.