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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Fibre 35 Isn't...again...

Private Message
Message 2 of 2

Once again, after almost 12 months, (maybe to the day) my 35Mb service

has suddenly dropped into a lower service band which (as last time) is fixed to phenomenal accuracy regardless of anything I can do e.g.: connect modem to test socket; change: filters, cable to modem, Ethernet cable to computer...nothing makes the slightest difference.


I have been ‘playing’ with my connection over several days: 3 versions of Windows on different machines and overall 15 reboots but line speeds and throughput speeds have remained totally solidly locked: Line rate (kb/s): Down/Up: 16495/ 4296 …always...exactly the same.. and suspiciously close to 16500/4300 (which would be half pre-glitch speed) e.g.


DSL synchronization status: Up
Connection status: Showtime
Upstream line rate (kbit/s): 4296
Downstream line rate (kbit/s): 16495
Maximum upstream rate (kbit/s): 16039
Maximum downstream rate (kbit/s): 85616
Upstream noise safety coefficient (dB): 13.1
Downstream noise safety coefficient (dB): 20.3
Line standard: Vdsl2_ANNEX_B
Upstream line attenuation (dB): 5.0
Downstream line attenuation (dB): 10.0
Upstream output power (dBm): 4.9
Downstream output power (dBm): 12.9
DSL up time: 0 day 0 hour 7 minutes 44 seconds

Line stats e.g. attenuation may change by +/- 0.1 db or so but line rate is fixed at better than 1 part in 16,000. Not random line noise etc but looks like quality commercial exchange kit that has stepped/locked down for some reason (as proved to be the case 2012/22).


I cannot fully use the TT website line-tests this time around. I receive the messages:


The connection from our network to your home is showing Red status
We suspect an issue with your broadband

We need to run a line test between our network and your home.

During the test, your broadband and phone line will temporarily disconnect.

In order for us to keep you updated, we need your mobile number.


BUT: how do I provide my mobile number (this process just worked last time but I can't remember how). There is no box to enter mobile-phone number; the number is in My Account and the software is able to pluck my landline number and account number from there.

Tried 3 browsers, Win 10/7 no joy(plus ca change).


So not contract speed and beyond anything I can do. Help would be appreciated.

Bang the Dynamic Line-Management box on the off-chance it has just slipped a cog?


I suspect though that this may be a repeat of Dec2021/Jan 2022 when my line looked clean ('cos the fault was at exchange) and I was asked to book an engineer visit... only to find all magically mended just before engineer was due because (as per a later text): 'An engineer has been carrying

out work at the exchange...should be OK...will monitor'.

'I can hear music coming out of my printer. I think the paper’s jammin’ again'

Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 2

Hi piston,


I've replied on your other thread
