For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 06-02-2023 05:51 PM
Been experiencing serious network lag showing continuous packet loss (excess of 30%) using an online system - Second Life (SL).
SL is based around Portland USA and uses Amazon Web Services.
I have the standard 'Talktalk Wi-Fi Hub', 60mbps fibre and speed test show excellent results.
What I've done so far:-
-reset / repower the router (a few times)
-tested with router plugged it into the main network socket
-tried both wifi and wired
-tested on both windows 7 and 11
-tested on both laptop and desktop
-and .. followed all configuration suggestions from SL forums re network issues.
One SL suggestion was to use Network software called WinMTR to trace network activity across to USA. I've checked out many websites over there particularly in Portland.
The WinMTR results are interesting .. most sites show no packet loss .. not surprising as I don't have performance problems with most web sites, however I've found 2 that give me heavy packet loss (30% plus) - and both show the final destination hostname appended with ''.
One other suggestion was to try using a VPN .... EUREKA .. . NO NETWORK LAG, NO SL PACKET LOSS .. and this was the case whether I use a VPN region in UK, USA or even New Zealand.
Great result but obviously I shouldn't have to pay for a VPN and shouldn't need to use one to have a network without heavy packet loss. So, apart from VPN or giving up SL, what's the real solution ?
on 05-04-2023 12:52 PM
Thank you .. so .. what's going on ?
on 03-04-2023 12:16 PM
I'm sorry to hear this. I've asked the escalation team if they did identify and resolve a potential issue and if so can they take another look.
on 03-04-2023 11:53 AM
I had just over 4 weeks with no problems whatsoever. Now the packet loss and asociated lag is back .. as bad as ever. I notice that we had absolutely no feedback whatsoever about what had been investigated, what had beeen found, what had been changed. A very poor reflection on TalkTalks technical service and cusomer service. So what happens now. I need the throttling or whatever it is turned off to get rid of the packet loss again and moreover I need to have some assurance that it'll not keep changing back. I know all you can reply is that you'll escalate it yet again , but please give me some assurance that we'll get some results. Or if not how I escalate it.
on 13-03-2023 09:22 AM
I'm glad to hear that the performance is still ok. The team I passed it to have escalated it again and I have asked them to confirm if an issue was identified and resolved. I'm really sorry for the delay in getting updates back for you but as soon as they come back to me then I post ASAP.
on 13-03-2023 09:18 AM
Good morning and good news .. still no packet loss . .. based on earlier experience it is very difficult to know if the problem is solved or if this is just a temporarily reprieve. It would be most useful if I had any kind of feedback. Do we know what the issue was ? Have they sorted it permanantly ?
on 09-03-2023 11:51 AM
Thanks for the update. I'll find out if anything has changed.
on 09-03-2023 11:49 AM
Good morning .. Your new team have fixed the problem - thank you. No Second Life packet loss this morning and the AWS Oregon service is pinging fault free. As you know, this happened during your last team's investigation and then after 4 days we had the problem back as bad or worse than ever. Whatever your new team has done, please don't change it back after 4 days again and as I asked before, please give me some feedback as to what's going on - it will be invaluable for those experiencing the same problem.
on 07-03-2023 11:37 AM
I'm really sorry. I've been chasing this for a while as the team initially advised that they couldn't find any issues. I've escalated this to a different team now and have asked them to take a look to see if they can find any issues.
on 07-03-2023 11:08 AM
The packet loss problem is still as bad as ever. To summarise:-
Since January, I continually experience heavy packet loss (upto 40%) when using Second Life(SL).
It is not a SL failure - SL uses the AWS service in Oregon. I experience heavy packet loss when I ping any site using the Oregon AWS service.
The problem is the same whether on Windows 7, Windows 11, desktop, laptop, wi-fi or cabled.
My conection and line speeds are otherwise fault free i.e. I can ping anywhere else in the world e.g. Japan, New Zealand, other (non Oregon) AWS uses etc etc without any packet loss.
When using a VPN, I have no problems - no packet loss.
I have sent you the ping and trace results you have asked for.
Part way through your investigations, I had an amazing 4 continuous days without any packet loss. Then it re-appeared as bad as before.
I have carried out further tests since my last report and all of them are consistant with the above.
I have tested on a nearby Plusnet wi-fi router. I experienced no packet loss with Second Life. I ran ping tests to Oregon AWS and experienced no packet loss.
One further observation:- when I first use SL, packet loss starts as "low" as 5%. It then slowly increases over time.
It has been suggested by others that the only possible explanation is selective incremental 'throttling' by my ISP. I understand that TalkTalk do not 'throttle' so please explain what is the cause of this problem and how it can be remedied.
on 03-03-2023 10:03 AM
Still as bad as ever. This problem has now been with you for almost a month and although I appreciate you responding frequently , it doesn't seem as if anything whatsoever has been done - apart from asking me to do things. Are you not able to escalate this when there seems to be no progress from your network team?
on 02-03-2023 09:42 AM
Thanks for the update. Nothing has changed since my last update . Horrendous packet loss on SL and pinging Oregon AWS - any time of day, any sytem I use - (but no problems whatsoever if I switch on VPN). We had just the 4 days (Fri - Mon) when everything worked fine.
on 02-03-2023 09:02 AM
Apologies for the delay. I'm still waiting to hear back but I will continue to monitor for updates on this.
on 28-02-2023 12:57 PM
I'm sorry to hear this. I'm trying to find out if anything has changed or if anything was identified and I'll let you know as soon as they come back to me.
on 28-02-2023 09:45 AM
NOT GOOD ! .. Didnt use SL overnight but just logged in and the packet loss lag is back. What's going on ?
on 28-02-2023 06:50 AM
Just to confirm, how was the connection last night?
on 27-02-2023 09:32 AM
I'm glad to hear this and thanks for confirming. I'll ask the team to confirm now.
on 27-02-2023 09:30 AM
Good Morning
Since Friday morning there has been no packet loss problem whatsoever at any time ( neither to SL nor any of the AWS pings to Oregon USA .. not on Windows 11 Windows 7, desktop nor laptop wifi). So whatever was changed before the Friday morning test appears to have fixed my problem. If you are able to ascertain what changed that could have affected my network connection it would be extremely useful to know - especially if the problem re-occurs.
on 27-02-2023 06:45 AM
Thanks for the update. How has the connection been over the weekend?
on 24-02-2023 03:48 PM
Hi .. Today there is no packet loss problem. A miracle .. first time since I reported it. I've tried the Windows 7 system, Window 11, laptop, Desktop, wifi .. all pings to Second Life, Portland Uni and all other Oregon AWS tests are free of packet loss. Please let me me know what if anything has been changed re the network and here's hoping the change is permanent.
on 20-02-2023 08:06 AM
Thanks for the PM. I have also passed this to our Network Team and will let you know as soon as they come back to me.