For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 27-02-2022 03:31 PM
Hi, Recently on this router, and also my neighbours, the Bright white LED has changed to a pale blue colour. I know some people have complained about the colour, but at least I could see the bright white one and know that the router is performing well. How can I get it back to being bright?
PS this messaging facility does not like English spellings of some words. But Talktalk is a British company so why doesn't it.
on 04-03-2022 02:18 PM
@martswain wrote:The spelling issue will be a browser or system spellchecker setting issue, the board itself does not provide any language settings or correction.
Bring back the 'Old Ways' .......................
Spell Checking
on 28-02-2022 08:14 AM
Hi PeterM7
Thanks for your post.
I don't think the brightness of the light should affect the connection or performance.
Are you experiencing any issues with the connection?
on 27-02-2022 04:27 PM
The spelling issue will be a browser or system spellchecker setting issue, the board itself does not provide any language settings or correction.
on 27-02-2022 03:50 PM
@PeterM7 .... not sure about the blue.
Some people seem to have reported it in the past, so let's see what staff say when they reach your thread after the weekend.
Check your default spelling settings.
I've never had trouble with this site correcting things like "colour" etc to the American .... if things get rewritten, it's usually my Android software butting in. I didn't have to correct "colour" at all just now though.