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An example of a TalkTalk Phishing email

Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

The following is an example of  a TalkTalk phishing email:


an examplean example


I am posting this because at least 1 community star thought it was too difficult to show anything like this to the rest of us, without exposing other users to dangerous links.


What I was also saying is that, what is important is to look at the 'From:' header, not the initial part, which is the 'friendly name', and is very easy to change, but the second part, the part which is between the '<' and the '>' and is the sender's email address.


By looking at the sender's email address, one can immediately tell that the contents of the email do not match the sender's email address, and is therefore phishing.

So this email can immediately be disposed of.


I have already received 2 other emails matching this.

So I will block new emails, which in the 'From:' header contain 'secretsales@'


Any other examples are welcome.




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2

Thanks for posting for info, but we DO NOT want the forum used for posting phishing mails.


You are well aware of the procedure in reporting phishing emails and have been told this on a number of occasions.


For the benefit of others TalkTalk have requested that spam mail be reported to them.

How to do this can be found here


This thread will be locked for future replies, and please @Billx do not start yet another thread on this topic.

Thank you.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).