Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 17-02-2025 04:46 PM
Ady-TalkTalk has advised on this back in November. I have the same issue now.
Using Windows 10 and eMClient. Browser is Foxpro.
Occurred several times when replying to different mails. Suspect the existence of email addresses in the body of the failed mail as the only common denominator.
Most mails reply OK. Some fail with the error.
Please can you repeat the advice?
I can't find any filters set.
Not using webmail to send.
on 18-02-2025 08:57 AM
Hi AndyJL, it sounds like one or more of the mail domains you're sending to is rejecting the mail from the TalkTalk server as spam. That doesn't mean your specific mail.
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