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on 09-12-2024 05:21 PM
I can't send email from lineone to an address that is then redirected to gmail.
Here's the bounce message:
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
(ultimately generated from
host []
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
550-5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to
550-5.7.26 domain's DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of
550-5.7.26 domain if this was a legitimate mail. To learn about the
550-5.7.26 DMARC initiative, go to
550 5.7.26 3f1490d57ef6-e39f6c458a4si7019159276.86 - gsmtp
Reporting-MTA: dns;
Action: failed
Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: dns;
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550-5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to
550-5.7.26 domain's DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of
550-5.7.26 domain if this was a legitimate mail. To learn about the
550-5.7.26 DMARC initiative, go to
550 5.7.26 3f1490d57ef6-e39f6c458a4si7019159276.86 - gsmtp
Thanks for letting us know.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
@Ady Sorry for the delay.
The address of my contact is in the form but the error that was returned was from that adddress with a note saying it came from << (ultimately generated from>>
Presumably there was some kind of forwarding going on by btinternet but that was transparent to the sender (me) and I have used the address many times before with no issues.
I have since been able to use Gmail to contact him on the address but it was dumped into his spam folder by bt.
Fortunately he found it.
All very strange.
on 12-03-2025 01:13 PM
It seems like there's still mail forwarding involved. You need to send the mail from TalkTalk webmail to just 1 email address directly and that should be working.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 11-03-2025 02:35 PM
Hi, @Ady-TalkTalk Just tried both ways and got bounced from Webmail and Outlook. The details are attached. Weird..
on 11-03-2025 02:16 PM
I did not try that as I never use Webmail. I will try 2 test sendings, one via Outlook and one via Webmail and report back.
on 11-03-2025 01:51 PM
Hi Dangerous2a, if you send a mail from webmail direct to the email address do you still get the error?
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 11-03-2025 08:10 AM
Hi @ Ady I have had a similar rejection message to the above today:
<<Reporting-MTA: dns;
Action: failed
Final-Recipient: rfc822;******@yyyyyyy.xxxxxx
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: dns;
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 571-DMARC Reject ( on 2025/03/10 20:17:00 GMT from un-validated IP address: The DMARC policy for the domain tells us to reject this email.
571 We protected our customers by not allowing any more emails from your IP address till we notice an improvement. You may have been affected unknowingly through your email provider. Please contact your email provider to assist. Our Postmaster will be unable to help you.>>
This seems to only be at this one receiving address, all other mail appears to go well enough. I simply replied to an incoming mail using the reply tab in outlook. The address is an unusual one but the error came from if that helps.
I have had and reported lots of spam/phishing emails over the last 6 months or so. Could this be the problem?
Any ideas?
on 12-12-2024 12:30 PM
Send me a personal message with the affected email addresses please.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 10-12-2024 03:20 PM
Hi Ady,
Thanks for your quick reply but I don't believe it deals with the issue.
You say "TalkTalk outgoing mail servers don't allow unauthenticated mail sending" but that isn't the problem, I can send mail OK, I use together with my lineone address and password.
The problem only happens when I send to one particular address. The user redirects his emails to gmail, which bounces messages from me. It does not bounce redirected email from other people.
The error message says the problem is at lineone. As I showed you in my first message it says, "Unauthenticated email from is not accepted"
My mail is sent from an authenticated TalkTalk email domain, it is redirected by an intermediate server and is then bounced by gmail.
I don't understand what's happening, can you investigate some more?
on 10-12-2024 09:54 AM
Hi scletts1, TalkTalk outgoing mail servers don't allow unauthenticated mail sending. The mail must be sent from an authenticated TalkTalk email domain.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.