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Reported Fault REP-12550651 - what has happened to it?

Private Message
Message 28 of 28

I have recently made the alterations to settings which had to be done by 23 Feb. Now I cannot send any emails via Mail (MacOS Mojave 10.14.6). The fault No is REP-12550651 and I cannot find what is happening in order to help me sort it out. I have spent hours so far talking to people, emailing etc but to no avail. Please help me - I need to get this running for my work.


Message 1 of 28

That's a standard message for POP3 mail accounts. It depends if you have got messages saved on the device only and the messages don't exist on the mail server.


If you do have messages only on the device and you want to keep those messages then save the wanted messages to a backup folder on your computer, a backup drive or another email account before deleting the email account and proceeding.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 2 of 28

I daren't do that as it says I will lose all of my messages. Think I will just have to go back to having one account to be  honest at this rate.

Thank you so much for trying to help me though - it really is much appreciated.

Message 3 of 28

OK, if you cannot follow the Apple instructions I'll give you an easy way to 'separate' the email accounts.


  1. Make sure the 'primary' tiscali email account credentials are set up for the outgoing SMTP server.
  2. Delete the 'secondary' tiscali email account, power off the Mac, power on and set up the 'secondary' email account from scratch.
  3. Make sure the 'primary' SMTP server didn't get deleted and that each tiscali email account now has its own outgoing SMTP server.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 4 of 28

Thank you for that.

I believe I have tried all of that but if I set the outgoing preferences for the Primary email address and then try to do the same for the Secondary one, the Primary one gets changed automatically to the Secondary settings.  I haven't had that happen in the past though so I find it strange that it is happening now. Will maybe have to ask a Macman to sort it out for  me I guess.


Message 5 of 28

No worries.


In Mac Mail you need an outgoing SMTP server for each email account. This is because the outgoing SMTP server requires authentication by the username and password for the email account.


What you're describing is a single outgoing SMTP server linked to two different email accounts.


Change outgoing server settings


Look at the guide above, look at the list of servers and delete any you don't use and add a new server as needed to link to one of the TalkTalk accounts to make sure each email account has its own outgoing SMTP server.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 6 of 28

Dear Gondola


You are going to be sick of me before long aren't you?


Re the same problem as before, I have two TalkTalk email addresses on my Mac - basically I was made to accept a separate one by TalkTalk (can't remember why now but it was a separate one for the Account rather than Mail).

Up until all settings were changed on 23 Feb, I could send, using Mail, from either email address with no problem.


Having finally got emails to send now, I find that I have to alter my preference settings on Mail Outgoing Server each time, depending on which email address I am sending from. Each address has a different password. This never used to occur. If I change the outgoing setting for one account in Mail it changes both of them. Any advice would be gratefully received please.



Message 7 of 28

Great and thank you

Message 8 of 28

TalkTalk don't know what email software people are using. The settings given in TalkTalk emails and guides are generic and suitable for many users. Not all email software has an identical setup, and may not be setup perfectly, so that's why I'm here to advise and guide as best I can.


Just click here to select post 8, scroll down so that the triple dots bottom right of post 8 are at the top right of screen. Select those triple dots and a menu will appear that includes the Accept as Solved menu item. So just select Accept as Solved and thank you.


It's only the original topic owner, in this case you, that can mark a topic as solved to help others searching for a solution.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 9 of 28

Sorry - I would Mark as Solved if I could work out how to do this. May be you could do it for me?


Message 10 of 28

Yes, I agree but it must  have been like that beforehand and it would have helped if TalkTalk had made it clear that it had to be completed when the changes were sent out to everyone.


Message 11 of 28

OK, well not having the password for authentication does rather cause problems. Good to know you found the mistake.

We do appreciate your time in letting us know. Thank you.


You could usefully help others by selecting post 8 for 'Accept as Solution'

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 12 of 28

Just realised that I didn't have the 'Password' ticked on the Sender Authentication and it has worked now - Allelulia I hope I can be back to normal now and thank you for all of your help. I really appreciate it.

Message 13 of 28

Sorry to disturb you again but I have noticed that within the Settings for to outgoing server, if I have the correct email address and password in the appropriate places, then I am not sure how that copes with the second email address. I have 2 email addresses as, at some point way back in history, TalkTalk made me have an extra one for my account. If I correct the outgoing server setting for the Primary email address/password, it also alters that information relating to the outgoing server setting for the Secondary email address.

It has always worked up to now but I'm not sure if this has any relevance - help!!

Just had the complaint handler calling me to check I still have the error and telling me he will call back in another couple of days!


Message 14 of 28

In that case the mail server must be rejecting authentication for another reason like deeming that the password is too weak.


So, the Reset password now button in the help article  Changing your email password will take you to password reset and recovery. 

If you have set up password recovery options, in advance, that you recognise from the *****hints, then you can send your alternate email address a link or your mobile a 6-digit code to authorise a password reset.


Check webmail accepts the new password linked to the email address and then edit the password stored in MacMail / keychain / Cloud keychain and have another go.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 15 of 28

And 'yes' all the other settings are ok and have been all the time. I only removed my email ID to send the message to you as that's what  I was told to do (presumably for security) but I changed them straight back after taking the screenshot.

Message 16 of 28

Did you fill in the Username and Password for the outgoing SMTP server and set the Authentication to Password?


The outgoing mail server (SMTP) must use:

Username: the full tiscali email address (it's NOT optional)

Password: the tiscali email password (it's NOT optional)

Host name:

Port: 587

Tick Use TLS/SSL

Authentication: Password


I would have expected that to work.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message
Message 17 of 28

Yes still seeing exactly the same TT401 message saying Authentication required - the reference number changes each time but basically like this on the Test email I have just tried again (for the nth time!):

The server response was: Y4UEpoQwOFLnq Authentication Required (TT401)


Message 18 of 28

Are you still seeing the Authentication required TT401 error message or has that changed to a different error message?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 19 of 28

Not so Ady - I still cannot send emails from Mail (sadly)

Private Message
Message 20 of 28

All done as requested (they were corrected to the TalkTalk changed settings anyway on 22 Feb when the problem started) but still unable to send emails from Mail. Same messages as given before. I have TalkTalk supposed to be phoning me today after I raised a complaint about it. I hope someone will be able to settle it.


I wish I could find out how to actually see the responses to me on the Community website - am completely new to this and can't find any instructions as to how to use it so it's all a bit of guesswork as to whether or not I actually find the appropriate thread!! Managed it today though.....