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Unable to send emails from email client OE Classic

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Private Message TalkTalk
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Not for the first time and now since 7 March I have not been able to send emails from my email client OE Classic. Have used OE Classic for many years now. I queried this problem with OE Classic directly and they are confident the problem lies with Talk Talk given the vague reason within the rejection message of "Reject for policy reason". Also I have phoned Talk Talk twice today and rechecked all my settings, with the ultimate answer always being that TT is not responsible for the failings of a 3rd party. Don't buy this, especially since for much of this year emails have sometimes gone into spam within the TT portal yet are big name addresses that I have previously been dealing with no problem. Such as MSE, RAC, my holiday agent, etc. Notably TT's own response to my first phone call today which was forwarding an article on email settings to access TT emails, went straight to the Spam folder within the TT email portal...  So can you help me please as I have tried everything I can possibly think of including changing my password. I have attached herewith a word doc of the error message followed by log tab info.

Would be great if you can help me and thanks in advance 🙂



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

Thank you Ady,

Actually I changed the password yesterday to something completely different but continued to experience problems. Played around with settings yet again today and finally I think and hope, the problem has finally gone away:)


Support Team
Private Message
Message 2 of 3

Hi Dianna, have you reset the password for the mailbox using a brand new password that's never been used before? If TalkTalk have blocked the account it will have be reset before the mailbox will be unblocked. 



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