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unable to access one of my four email addresses

Private Message
Message 10 of 10

Since 17th Feb have been unable to access one of my four tiscali email addresses (all on the same laptop, all with the same settings).  Realise I missed the deadline for updating settings on the one address which I cannot access, but why did I not receive an email telling me to update settings on the other three addresses, which are still accessible?  And how do I get the non-working address restored? 


Message 1 of 10

Hi meadow61, I've added your mailbox to the list of the to be restored.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Private Message
Message 2 of 10

Ady,  done as requested, thanks

Message 3 of 10

Hi meadow61, please add the affected email address to private notes in your community profile. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Private Message
Message 4 of 10

Thank you

Message 5 of 10

Good to know the active accounts are updated and that the password is changed for the 'inactive email client' account. All very good.


The 'inactive client' account will not authenticate until TalkTalk Support restore IMAP / POP3 access so I've requested TalkTalk Support to restore full access and that'll happen next week along with their response right here.


You'll be able to update the server settings and new password when access is restored. 

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 6 of 10

Thanks again.  I couldn't identify an insecure setting for any of my mailboxes, other than they were set to the host not the

have successfully updated the accessible mailboxes to the host, but when I try to do the same to the unaccessible mailbox  I get a 'something went wrong' message from Outlook.  I did reset the password on this mailbox yesterday and can access it through Talk Talk mail

Message 7 of 10

Windows 10 and Outlook 365 are capable of secure mail.


Use of the host name is not a recommended setting and has not been for some considerable time because those servers will be switched off.  Are you going to update all email accounts to use the recommended TalkTalk settings throughout?


Did you positively identify an insecure setting for the mailbox address that was notified of insecure encryption? i.e. not using port 993 or 995 SSL/TLS for incoming or 587 StartTLS for outgoing?


If you haven't positively identified the source of the insecure connection then change the password to lock out a rogue device or insecure software.


The Reset password now button in the help article  Changing your email password will take you to password reset and recovery. 

If you have set up password recovery options, in advance, that you recognise from the *****hints, then you can send your alternate email address a link or your mobile a 6-digit code to authorise a password reset.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message
Message 8 of 10

Thanks for your reply.

I have not changed settings on the three accessible mailboxes for many months (maybe years) and they access via IMAP to smtp/ with the recommended ports and security settings, just as did/does the inaccessible mailbox


Laptop is Windows 10 with Outlook 365


Can view emails through TalkTalk Mail

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 10

Have you now updated the incoming and outgoing server settings for the three tiscali email mailboxes that remain accessible via IMAP/POP3 access? i.e. changed all the outdated tiscali legacy settings and upgraded to IMAP secure using the host names?


Mailboxes are being sent notifications in batches. So, one of your insecure mailboxes has been notified. All the others will have been picked up and if still using insecure settings will get email client access withdrawn.


What operating system is on the laptop and what email software and version? Asking to make sure the laptop and email software is capable of secure mail encryption to the required minimum of the TLS 1.2 standard.


Do you have any other methods of viewing mail messages? All mail collection services, email software on desktop, laptop, notebook, tablet, phone etc must use secure incoming and outgoing server settings or be intrinsically secure by design.


Webmail via an up to date Internet browser is secure by design. So, for the 'non-working' tiscali mailbox you can stay in touch using webmail.


Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your full TalkTalk Mail email address and password, select Sign in.


I can put in a request to TalkTalk Support to restore full access. I'd do so when it's clear that your laptop and any other devices / services are capable of secure mail.


Prepare for TalkTalk Support - include in the Community Profile (not in these public posts):

Account holder name, TalkTalk home 'phone number (if not Data Only broadband)

Alternative mobile contact number. Full address with postcode (in the Location box)

Scroll down to Private notes to add the email address and customer account number

Check and Save changes

Select here: Update your profile


GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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