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9 hours ago
Coming back to TT Residential from TT Business FTTP, I've been sent the Eero6 and DV adaptor, but the Eero6 only has two ports, one which will be for ONT, other for DV, I need at least 4 ports.
I still have a Fast5364 from last time I was with Residential and this did all I wanted, so can I use this in place of Eeero6 and will it work OK with the DV adaptor?
8 hours ago
If using the Fast5364 doesn't work out then I will get a switch, but I'm happier to use the equipment I have to hand which works well.
In fact I have four Fast5364's IIRC, two are TT Res, and two are TT Bus, the Business ones I don't think will work as they are Fast5364-3T.B's and AFAIK use a different authentication and didn't work on Res FTTC, so I assume the same for FTTP, I keep them as sometime I might try and reconfigure them as WAP's.
8 hours ago
Bear in mind that another solution would be to get an ethernet switch which is a simple, plugin solution to expand the number of ethernet ports on any router.
8 hours ago
Please let us know how you get on, and don't go losing the Eero😄
8 hours ago
OK cheers, expected change over is next week, so will try setting up with the Fast5364 and see how it goes.
8 hours ago
Hi @Colin59 yes it will