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FreedomFibre problem with newly provisioned lines, just a heads up.

Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

I started on FTTP with TalkTalk about 3 years ago, on the FreedomFibre network. Last month I switched to a new ISP, but still on the FreedomFibre network. Since then I have had multiple loss of internet.


"Ha !", I hear you say, "you should have stayed with TT. It's your new ISP's fault".

Not quite so simple as that. The problem is a bug ( or a 'too clever by half' feature ) in the FreedomFibre system, nothing to do with my new ISP. In fact, my ISP has raised the issue in their Service Review meetings with FreedomFibre.

When the problem first occured, just 10 minutes after the installation engineer left my house !, I obviously contacted my ISP. They could find no problem. I also contacted FF, and, crucialy,  they also said everything was working OK.


It took two day of phone calls before I talked to someone at FF who investigated a little deeper and found the issue. The fault only occurs on newly provisioned services, and requires a re-provision to fix, but the fix is not permanent, the fault can re-occur.

FF are now promoting about eight ISPs on their network, and this problem could occur with any newly provisioned service, through any of the ISPs, including TT.

It's only because I spoke to the right person at FF, and my ISP is very communicative, that I know more about the cause of this issue.


However, the main concern is that FF said, to both me and my ISP, for two days, that the problem was not in their system.






Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

Yes, a good deal, but even better, they got my internet re-provisioned on a Saturday !.


That's the sort of customer service I like.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Thanks for sharing this @Buzby I hope you got a good deal with your current ISP.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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