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Private Message TalkTalk
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Wow..never in my life have I experienced quite such a terrible customer service set up...ive been with talktalk for many many year,you know the old cliche ,'it never used to be like this 'it's true there was a time when you could ring them up and you would be put through to an experienced person probably on the otherside of the world in the middle of their night they'd be happy to sort the problem which they did and also they would chat about stuff,it was a pleasure to speak with them..

What the heck has happened now you go round and round in endless circles of being passed from one so called expert to another, it's an utter joke I have spent hours and hours in the last 3 weeks trying to get them to fix a simple email issue no success ive given up..the ceo should be made aware of just how dire the customer, what ever it is ,not going to call it a service,is before people start leaving in droves...she probly doesn't care warned people if you like spending your evenings talking to some bot or ai..fill your boots otherwise steerclear..why am I with them I hear you say ..well I didn't realise how bad it was until I had a problem just recently, if thats the future then I'm afraid it's not looking good for these muppets.. we'll see...the broadband as a thing is ok like all the others.  I don't know what the competition service is like..probly as bad..when I started with talktalk broadband didn't exist..anyway peace and good health people..they should take a leaf out of amazon's customer service manual ,bob on.