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on 31-12-2024 07:51 PM
traffic is being severely throttled with talktalk with some protocols down to 500kbs and the internet as a whole at 90meg.
If I turn off traffic on the offending protocol I’m back up to full speed after 10 minutes.
if I tunnel via a vpn the protocol in question has no speed issues.
talktalk customer support will not admit to throttling and will not do anything to help internet speed without plugging in their router which I can do if needed but its a faff.
where can I go from here to get the speed I am paying for or am I best just letting the offending traffic run then after 3 days start asking for componsation of I think £9 that they wont provide my internet speed. Covers the cost of a uk based vpn
if they do throttle traffic which is clear based on protocol why do their staff either not know or deliberately mislead customers.
on 01-01-2025 05:29 PM
Do you use Fsecure?
If so check there to see what is blocked. I've noticed more and more torrent webpages being blocked and it is TalkTalk following the protocols put in place to protect copyrighted material.
All ISPs must follow suit.
01-01-2025 05:24 PM - edited 01-01-2025 05:25 PM
@Tombruton87 wrote:Bit torrent is the protocol for backups of owned bluerays in remux so average file is 70gb
If TT were throttling Bit torrent wouldn't members who are using it legally have noticed and complained here i ask as i cannot remember reading a single thread about throttling torrents.
on 01-01-2025 03:41 PM
Your simple analysis of the Wireshark trace is not telling me anything. I need to find out why the speed is dropping. Can you share this trace with me?
The information below is provided by TalkTalk, for confirmation please contact @Debbie-TalkTalk or@Michelle-TalkTalk.
KeithFrench is one of our valued Community Stars and can help with a range of issues related to wireless and networking. At times he may ask you to send him test results via a Private Message to help analyse/diagnose an issue. Although Keith does not work for TalkTalk, he very kindly shares his time and knowledge to help with others.
If you need further help or, if we need to take any details such as personal information about your account like phone numbers, account numbers etc. one of the TalkTalk team will jump in and help out.
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?
on 01-01-2025 03:36 PM
Bit torrent is the protocol for backups of owned bluerays in remux so average file is 70gb
yep wireshark shows exactly 30 seconds and speeds rank, there is then some up and down every 60 seconds
on 01-01-2025 03:32 PM
TalkTalk do not throttle, period. And certainly not based on degrees of fondness! Certain sites are blocked entirely, but only those where the High Court has made an order to block access on grounds of copyright or trademark infringement.
on 01-01-2025 03:26 PM
OK, as these ports are above the well-known port range, what protocol are you using them for? In which direction is the session initiated? Have you monitored this with Wireshark?
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?
on 01-01-2025 03:22 PM
TCP, I am a network engineer by trade fyi so have also run iperf tests.
from my logs I have conclusive evidence that it is an issue at the supplier end and it only happens with traffic they might not be fond of.
on 01-01-2025 03:16 PM
Are these ports TCP or UDP?
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?
on 01-01-2025 03:14 PM
Using an rt6600 router, we get full speed no issue but within 30 seconds of traffic on 6881-6889 the speed on drops and just to a crawl on those ports. As stated if I hide this traffic from talktalk by tunnelling in a vpn my speeds are not effected. Hence how I can prove this is being throttled by talktalk.
all connections are wired cat6 local speed is 1gig apart from the 10gig devices on network. Our speed is 500mb which we get unless traffic is hitting those ports
your usage is very low in comparison to ours.
on 01-01-2025 03:06 PM
Hence why I said to @Tombruton87 that this is a fault, not throttling.
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?
on 01-01-2025 03:03 PM
@Tombruton87 wrote:traffic is being severely throttled with talktalk with some protocols down to 500kbs and the internet as a whole at 90meg.
talktalk customer support will not admit to throttling and will not do anything to help internet speed without plugging in their router which I can do if needed but its a faff.
I can assure customers TT do not throttle we have used over 1 TB this month (usage below not the full list) we use the connection for gaming and streaming etc and we have experienced no slowdown at all every time we do a speed test it always shows 150Mbps.
31-12-2024 10:05 PM - edited 31-12-2024 10:06 PM
Hi @Tombruton87
In line with what you have been told by @fr8ys and Customer Services, TalkTalk does not throttle your speed. I don't doubt that you have a problem, but it needs to be correctly diagnosed. Please can you answer these questions for me:-
The information below is provided by TalkTalk, for confirmation please contact @Debbie-TalkTalk or@Michelle-TalkTalk.
KeithFrench is one of our valued Community Stars and can help with a range of issues related to wireless and networking. At times he may ask you to send him test results via a Private Message to help analyse/diagnose an issue. Although Keith does not work for TalkTalk, he very kindly shares his time and knowledge to help with others.
If you need further help or, if we need to take any details such as personal information about your account like phone numbers, account numbers etc. one of the TalkTalk team will jump in and help out.
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?
on 31-12-2024 08:43 PM
The equipment in use is not reducing the speed, it has far higher capability than the eero box.
The evidence is clear that they do throttle traffic as it is only effecting a single protocol.
also I am saying I plug there box in and still get the same issue and report and investigate every day because they are throttling what are the rules on compensation
on 31-12-2024 08:26 PM
TalkTalk do not throttle speeds.
They can also only provide advice if customers use the supplied equipment.
I think youay misundertand the compensation arrangements too as you are not taking TalkTalks advice to use the supplied equipment and the speed is measured at the point of entry to the property, so if you are using equipment that reduces the speed within your property, this is not covered. At least that's as I understand the scheme.
I'll ask our resident router expert @KeithFrench to have a look to see if he can offer advice.