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Archiving Community Content

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Our community has been active for over 7 years and in this time we've had literally millions of posts created by our awesome members but as time moves on we find a lot of our old content is no longer relevant for example back in 2007 the process for doing something or the cost to call X, Y or Z is likely to be very different to today. 


This causes frustration for a lot of members as they find old content which can often be confusing, we also see some members who post on this very old content asking questions or offering advice which is missed due to the age of the discussion. 


To help tackle this we've implemented a new archiving solution within the community which is aimed at keeping our community content, fresh and relevant. This solution is a two step process which will ultimately see the very oldest and irrelevant content removed from the community: 



Step 1:

Content older than 2 years will be moved to the Archive Store, this content is removed from site navigation however it remains accessible to everyone with a url. Traffic to the store will be reviewed monthly, any valid/popular content will be restored or converted into a Knowledge article if relevant


Step 2:

After 6 months of being in the Archive Store, irrelevant content with no traffic will be moved into the Vault which is a locked area, only the very oldest of content with no traffic will be moved here.


If you have any questions about the communities archiving process please send me a private message.




Stephen, Community Manager