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Can't send email from abroad!

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While I can receive e-mails, I can rarely send them while outside the UK via an application like Apple Mail. (Webmail works better, though there are sometimes problems there too). This trip I was able to send exactly one email to one person, before I started getting the error message "The SMTP connection to server “” failed". 


I assume this is a spam-protection restriction but the limits are ridiculously low; they should allow dozens of emails to many people before we are throttled. I have telephoned Talktalk customer service, who looked into the problem and told me later that they fixed it-- but obviously not! (Doesn't anyone else complain, I wonder?) think I will have to give up and switch to another email provider that's more reliable.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

For quite some time (years) this has been a fact of life - more to do with where in the world you are posting from, rather than your unique address.


As Divsec says, other, free, addresses are more likely to work when travelling. Hotmail works fine for me.


It should be possible to reply to most emails you receive by doing this, and make it clear to the recipient what's going on. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Hi @ETBrown I much prefer to use Gmail and Outlook for my email, free and portable. 

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.