Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
7 hours ago
Why have I been deactivated. When I try to log in to webmail I get the message
"User is deactivated (AUTHORIZATION-0001)". I normally access my mail by using Mailwasher and eMail Client. These seem to have been locked out of my account as well. Any ideas please
6 hours ago
Adding a bit more to my earlier post. Last night I received email from Corgi about coming to repair my central heating boiler. When I tried to reply to it this morning I got a message that the reply had not been sent due to contents. I do not know what that meant, there was nothing inappropriate in the content It was just about my boiler repair. Is it possible that this blocking of my sending the message has triggered the deactivation on my email address. Does talktalk think I was sending inappropriate contents?