Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 05-02-2025 01:16 PM
One of my old Pipex accounts has been erroring at login for months now. I would expect a communications company to know when this happens and fix it without my intervention, or let me know what I need to do. Nothing, as usual. TT has the logs, and makes all the changes, not me!
I have not changed anything at my end, so it is up to TT to fix this - I am happy to provide essential information, but not the deluge of "homework" questions that I usually get when there is a TT issue.
So, if there is anyone responsible reading this, I await contact by email. It has taken be several login attempts to even find anything remotely resembling a support address, this site is truly awful to use, as it has always been, and I hate having to navigate the mess.
I am seriously looking elsewhere now, so this is your last chance TT.
on 13-02-2025 12:22 PM
Over a week now, after two ignored PMs, are you still looking into this?
12-02-2025 03:26 PM - edited 12-02-2025 03:38 PM
@Gliwmaeden2 well I can't use it, so those "phishing emails" will have to go unread!
and I still haven't heard anything from TT, so get off my back, please
12-02-2025 03:07 PM - edited 12-02-2025 03:12 PM
@m4r35n357, if that was a genuine email address you displayed, it's now more vulnerable to phishing scams than ever before because you broadcast it to the whole world wide web.
on 12-02-2025 02:33 PM
I have just PM'd you again, but as before I have no evidence that I sent it or that you have received it. Please acknowledge receipt here
Thank you,
12-02-2025 02:23 PM - edited 12-02-2025 03:05 PM
Well I am not getting any feedback from PMs, @Ady-TalkTalk has not even responded to my message here asking if he received my PM so I don't even know if he did. This forum software that renumbers and reorders posts each time (and uses gobs of vertical space for nothing) does not help.
@Gliwmaeden2 I am getting sick & tired of a company that lets auth failures go without doing anything about it!
It has been a week now and I have heard NOTHING. So tell me off all you like, I just want some customer service!
on 12-02-2025 01:56 PM
@m4r35n357, it's NOT OK displaying the email address in the public thread.
on 12-02-2025 09:21 AM - last edited on 12-02-2025 01:55 PM by Gliwmaeden2
The address is REMOVED FOR SECURITY REASONS. Look in the logs between about 9am to 9:30am.
on 12-02-2025 07:48 AM
Hi m4r35n357, you need to provide the full email address that's affected so that I can raise ticket for the issue to be checked.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 11-02-2025 09:52 AM
Hi @Ady-TalkTalk did you learn anything from the logs?
on 06-02-2025 12:58 PM
on 06-02-2025 11:28 AM
I would not consider it a good thing to be "experienced" in this UI 😉
Maybe it works better on phones, but I sort of doubt it . . .
06-02-2025 10:35 AM - edited 06-02-2025 10:36 AM
Not contradicting you at all, @m4r35n357.
The image I posted shows you what you find after clicking on the avatar or simply the person's name.
If you use the link method that you posted above, you simply add the person's name in manually.
on 06-02-2025 10:04 AM
Thanks for the phone screenshot.
I am on a computer, and the blue button sends me here, not to the user's profile:
I have to click on the avatar, not the blue button!
on 06-02-2025 10:00 AM
@m4r35n357, it's the blue SEND MESSAGE button. That takes you to the PM messaging area. Simple to post from there.
on 06-02-2025 09:52 AM
I just said - I don't know how to PM here!
on 06-02-2025 09:47 AM
To send a personal message simply click on my avatar and select send message.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
06-02-2025 09:39 AM - edited 06-02-2025 09:40 AM
@Ady-TalkTalkHow do I do that? Despite being a "whizz kid" from past exploits I can't remember how to PM here and I can't find anywhere in the user interface to PM you . . .
BTW as for the UI I have already gone round the houses trying to log in on a different (wtf?) login box with no pre-filled data, so I had to go back to the home page, log in from there & find this thread again!
on 05-02-2025 02:51 PM
Hi m4r35n357, please send me a personal message with the affected email address and I'll see what I can do to help.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.