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Email not received

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Private Message TalkTalk
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I am awaiting an email from Omaze to verify my account.  They assure me that they have sent it one more than one occasion and whilst I receive some emails from them the verification emails are not arriving.  They are not in spam or junk and they have the correct email address as I get the ones from their help desk.  Where are these emails going and how can I find them please?


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2

This is characteristic of a mail sending service not actually sending out mail messages because your email address is on the mail sender's stop list.  You'll need to request Omaze to ask their email admins to check and remove your email address from the stop / suppression / exclusion list. Then you'll get the verification emails once more.


Good to know you're getting their service desk emails and although these will have the same or similar sending mail domain the emails will be sent by a different mail service that does not have the stop on sending applied.


I cannot tell which mail sending service their verification emails use so the only general advice I can give is that there is no obvious reason for any mail messages from Omaze ( or to be blocked or rejected by TalkTalk. 

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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