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Emails from some senders seem to be blocked or wont come through to me

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 18

I have had an issue with emails from two or three senders simply suddenly stopping

I have been online chat twice now once in Nov and just earlier today for over an hour and half going round in circles with someone who doesnt know how to resolve it.  Despite me having been in contact with the senders who assure me everything is set up fine at their end and see no issues.

Emails from just wont come through for  a year now (it was last Feb they stopped).  Never had an issue before and despite rechecking my subscription and speaking to customer services who assure me they should be coming through and even checked with their data team to put me on a whitelist.  They are still being blocked or simply just dont come through.  The others are   also   and


I am at my wits end.  Its been painful on the webchat and having to go through the scripted checks each and everytime to end up just wasting an hour of my time

Please can someone look at this.



Message 1 of 18

Hi @cruiseblogger 


Hubspot operate a suppression list - Here's how to resolve an email sending suppression


You'll need to report this back to Azamara Cruises customer support and ask them to engage with their email team to resolve the issue.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 2 of 18

Hi I've run 7 day scans on Azamara domain and still getting no results for rejections. Sorry.



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Private Message TalkTalk

Message 3 of 18
Final one to resolve is emails from Azamara
They finally sent me this message that appears when they try to email me promotions and news
They siad could I contact my provider talk talk to see if it you are blocking marketing mails..................
This email wasn’t sent: this message appears when the contact cannot be sent an email and HubSpot was unable to determine a specific reason for the failure.

Message 4 of 18

Hi, I've run scans on all the mail addresses provided and none show up blocked on the 7 day scans.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 18


Azamara - I have written to them again to see if they can provide me with a bounce back code or anything else, as a couple of weeks or so back they told me they had sorted it and I should get emails but still nothing being recieved

Travel zoo - after a year of nothing this week I have received both exclusive@ and top20@ mails from them this week.  Result (I dont know how or why)

Post code lottery - still a mystery

Warners - sorted (Apparantly they slow down emails immediately after making a booking)


I am now at a point whereby I will probably have no option but to use an old hotmail account for some of these - which will be a pain as I dont log into it that often


Many many thanks to those that have helped with this.


(I dont know how these things work but I did start to wonder if someone out there had marked the senders of these as Junk or spam that  means they wont go out to all?)

Message 6 of 18

The only travelzoo mails showing on the scan were accepted. Only 1 in 7 days though. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 7 of 18

TT512 is a bounceback indicating a mailbox is unavailable for delivery. The reasons are either the address is unrecognised, mailbox is full or rejecting spam. Given that you're confident that TravelZoo do have the right address and that mailbox is receiving other mail then it would suggest a spam block is present. I'll let Ady know. 

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 18


I have had this communication from Travelzoo with an error code

Our IT team has asked if you can pass the following error code over to your email providers please?

550 5.1.1 (hash) Recipient (hash) (TT512)

Have a lovely day and thank you for being a Travelzoo member.

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 18

Hello Ady

I have updated the emails not coming through to show in full

Many thanks


( Iput them in my profile in the private bit or should i list them on here?)

Message 10 of 18

Hi cruiseblogger, I've run a 7 day scan against your TalkTalk email address nothing showed as rejected. I see you've provided the sender email domains if you complete those emails I'll be able to run a scan against the sender emails too. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 11 of 18

Sit down and relax over the weekend and TalkTalk Support will pick up this topic next week and run the check of your mailbox to see if any mail has been blocked. 

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 18

The point is I got them to whitelist my mail over a month ago and it still didnt resolve the issue

Where do I go from here?


Message 13 of 18

The composing a new email and sending to yourself i.e. send and receive in the same mailbox is purely to make sure that mail does arrive in the Inbox and is not diverted anywhere else nor removed from the Inbox after it arrives.


As there are no rules defined that's perfect as it means nothing is set up in your mailbox to divert mail away from the Inbox.


So if mail remains in your Inbox this then means either there's a network block or the sending mail service has your email address suppressed... or from what was implied, had your email address suppressed but have now either whitelisted your email address or removed the address from their suppression list and as a result you should see mail arriving once more.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 18

Thank you for the brilliantly details comprehensive reply

So I have updated profile on here.  I have checked the settings like you said

and no rules are defined at all.

So just not sure what you mean by this Select the New email button to compose and self-send the same mailbox a mail message. Check that the message sends without error, is copied into the Sent folder and arrives and stays in the Inbox- do you mean send an email to myself if you do that has always worked fine ie from our talk talk address whilst in t he talk talk mail back to our talktalk address to and from this mail box or do you mean compose an email to the ones I have issues receiving as in

  I would point out that the travel zoo mails used to come through for at least the last 8 years two or three times or more a week.  They just simply stopped last Feb.  similar with Azamara fine up until around 4 months ago


Message 15 of 18

The TalkTalk Mail mailbox accessed via an Internet browser (webmail) does have Rules that can be defined to divert or block mail from your Inbox. If that happens then Thunderbird will not be able to pick up those mail messages. Or if Thunderbird is set up as a POP3 email account and the mail messages get diverted to the online Spam folder then also you'd not see those messages in Thunderbird.


Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your email address and password, select Sign in.


Check the  Inbox first and then check  Spam and  Trash folders for mail messages that may have been diverted from the Inbox. Bear in mind the spam and trash folders normally contain mail not older than 30 days.


Select the New email button to compose and self-send the same mailbox a mail message. Check that the message sends without error, is copied into the Sent folder and arrives and stays in the Inbox.


Mail not reaching the Inbox could mean there's a Filter rule, including an Auto forward which is a special filter rule, that's diverting, discarding or blocking mail.

  • Select the Main settings menu cog icon      top right on the blue header
  • Select All settings
  • Select Mail and scroll down to Rules
    Select the chevron icon > to see all defined Rules
    If there's no rule defined, that's perfect
  • To delete a Filter rule including any Auto forward
    select the X icon to the right of the rule
    The icon background will turn red  X
  • To confirm you really want to delete this Filter rule
    Select the blue Delete button

Let us know of any error message, or if mail did not arrive in the Inbox or disappeared from the Inbox. Collecting mail messages with a POP3 mail account or mail collection service, like Gmail, may be deleting messages from the online Inbox.


Just to add that what you have been told by the originators is true. If there's difficulty in delivering your mail then they'll add your email address to a suppression list and send no more mail. If their trackers detect you are not actively engaging with the mail messages then they'll assume the mail is unwanted and also add your email address to a suppression list and send no more mail. The suppression lists do have the option to be overridden by whitelisting your email address which means you'll be sent mail messages regardless of delivery or opening status.


As there are several mail services I think the best thing is for TalkTalk to check for any blocks active on your mailbox.


For TalkTalk Support include in the Community Profile (not in these public posts):

Account holder name, TalkTalk home 'phone number (if not Data Only broadband)

Alternative mobile contact number. Full address with postcode (in the Location box)

Scroll down to Private notes to add your TalkTalk email address that you need to be checked

Check and Save changes

Select here: Update your profile


GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 18

Not sure what you mean by rules defined.  Wouldnt know where to look.  We use Thunderbird for the emails and occasionally the talk talk web mail.  For a while I just tried using the web mail for a few days to see if they popped into there but that didnt solve it.  I simply would just like someone to check that they are not being blocked by talk talk and need pushing through?

Failing that I will go back to the senders again but I dont really know what to ask them to do.

I explained I wasnt getting their mails.  Travel zoo for instance said sometimes if too many are left unopened it can go onto a list that they are unwanted spam so was told they would whitelist our email address (but to be honest I open most of them anyway) so didnt think it could be that?.  But I did just sign up for a travel zoo alert subscription only last week and they come through fine but the address after the @ is slightly different  I still dont get the and the Azamara ones I emailed and the response was they should start coming through now - that was over two weeks ago.

Its so frustrating particularly as the online talk talk chat waster over 3 hours of my time.


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 17 of 18

Are these mail messages being sent directly to your TalkTalk Mail email address - not being auto-forwarded from another mailbox like a personal domain email?


The sending services appear to be sending fully authenticated mail and therefore no reason for TalkTalk to have any network blocks in place. Two of the services use strict SPF sender authentication that means they permit only designated IP addresses to send their mail.


Have you checked in TalkTalk Mail in the online mailbox that you have no Rules defined at all?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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