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Mail going to recipient spam folder

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 18

A few weeks ago I had an issue whereby my emails were generating the 'too many recipients' error and I was unable to send anything. After a few days this seemed to get resolved, however since then, an increasing number of emails are ending up in the spam folder of the recipients, causing a huge amount of problems! Th eoriginal problem seems to be due to some sort of system alteration to prevent spam, and for some reason my emails are all now being treated as spam, which they obviously arent. 

I just dont have the time to spare to spend hours on a phone call or live chat, and trying to explain the issue is, frankly, like kicking water uphill into a strong gale, when the support staff are just going from a flow chart or a script. 

Honestly, is there any point in even trying to continue with talk talk as a provider.

Im using outlook, windows mail and my phones mail system, as well as webmail but the result is the same on all of them. 

Since talk talk stopped providing broadband to rural areas, Im on the paid monthly service in order to avoid the hassle of changing my email address, but that day is drawing ever closer. 

ANyone got any ideas how to get around this?




First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 18

Quite right Strider57.  Talktalk are making their own staff look stupid by not informing them of the issue, as well as making their customers steaming mad.

Message 2 of 18

Talk talk are simply not understanding this issue. Since talk talk did work on their system, emails sent to gmail addresses are going stright into spam. The recipients dont see them. Its not simple as you claim - how do you tell the 200 gmail adressees in your email list that emails from the tiscali domain arent spam and to mark them as such. Can talk talk not see the flaw in this 'resolution'? Apparently not. SO let me ask this - how do you tell every gmail recipient to mark emails as not spam when they cant see them in the first place? ANd why have talk talk not made an announcement to all their customers and on their website that tiscali domain emails cannot send to gmail addresses? How hard can it be? The customer services manager that I spoke to yesterday claimed he had never heard of this issue before. It should NOT be up to the subscriber to attempt to mitigate this problem with gmail, its up to Talk Talk to do that - they own the domain, not me. I just pay to use it. 

Message 3 of 18

Hi judecr, its surprisingly simple Gmail are moving many TT mails to the users spam folder. If you go into spam and mark them as NOT spam it should speed up the resolution. 



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First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 18

I month on and all my mail is still going to spam folders. "Support" staff seem to have no understanding of this and little understanding of the whole email process.  What is one supposed to do to  stop thesemails being blacklisted?


Message 5 of 18

Hi strider57, I've answered this in other threads. Our email team has blocked the source of the spam that led to and that begins the repair of our MTA. It will take a while for all the other email providers to stop moving TalkTalk mails to the spam folder. All mails are delivered they go to spam instead of the inbox. If you're concerned that Gmail is still moving mail to the spam folder contact Gmail and advise them. Our IP is no longer blacklisted.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 6 of 18

I'll wait until I'm granted an audience with the mythical talk-talk employee, you don't understand the issue, and I'm too long in the tooth to be trolled by the ad hominem comments from a talk talk groupie. 

I'm not holding my breath though. 



Message 7 of 18

I expect Ady-TalkTalk will grant you an audience so don't be a heckler in the stalls!


So, some parsimonious shaving off of the Gmail policy as too complicated for you leaves you with the simple answer of what as the reason for Gmail dumping all into spam? It's not as if TalkTalk isn't sending fully authenticated mail so what is it? Simple question requires simple answer.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 8 of 18

Well Ive never been granted an audience with a salaried non scripted employee of talk talk, so we must assume that they are thin on the ground. 

 I find it a struggle and a poor application of maths to embrace the 3 in 1,000 theory. Proportionally, other domains will have more than that yet arent being blocked. So Occams razor again. 

And as for the deceit, if you are part of knowingly extracting money from people and not giving them what you said you would, then yes, a special place somewhere very unplesant should be the reward. Why not? But I suspect you didnt read my previous post which never mentioned anything about punishing volunteers. So anyway, enough of my time has been wasted on this god forsaken talk talk issue, I will deal with it the way that is best for me and I wont be trusting to luck, which seems to be the main requirement for anything to do with talk talk.  The requirement for a lottery winning life changing monumental amount of luck just to get a working email address is, to me, stretching things just a teeny bit 🙂 


Message 9 of 18

For clarification, TalkTalk Community Support are salaried employees of TalkTalk.  Their expertise and knowledge means they do not have to work from scripts or flow charts and I trust them to investigate and give the correct facts to this Community which they have. i.e. that the TalkTalk Mail team have done what they can. 


Yes, if TalkTalk Mail was perfectly free of email accounts being compromised and no email account was ever sending spam then you'd hope that less than 3 in 1,000 mail messages sent from TalkTalk to Gmail would be marked as spam to comply totally with Gmail's new policy. But it's Gmail's policy decision to dump any mail from TalkTalk into spam folders without checking for spam content if more than 3 in 1,000 mail messages from TalkTalk are marked as spam by Gmail recipients. 


TalkTalk itself has no control of Gmail's policy nor does it have control of Gmail users marking mail as spam.


I'll just have to accept the fact according to you that my volunteering to help will get me sent to prison along with TalkTalk staff and for my petty crime of association will have me transported to Australia...or is it Uganda now or the ultimate nightmare destination, Googleplex? I'm opting for the Swan River colony in WA.


Good luck with Microsoft.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 10 of 18

That is a dire state of affairs then, when a loose conglomeration of people, unattached to talk talk and unpaid, are more reliable than the company support staff. That's bizarre. How on earth can that be more reliable? Theres only one possibility there!

Im sure you do a great job in telling people what the problem is, but as far as solving it, volunteers on a community forum have no powers to do anything. And I doubt if anyone from talk talk ever reads these. It boils back down to taking payment and not giving the service - in my former profession we used to send people to prison for doing that. 

Thanks for your very well intended help and information, but if I'm to believe you, talk talk have done their very best, bless 'em, and someone else is to blame so nothing will ever get sorted 🙂 



Message 11 of 18

I trust TalkTalk Community Support to give the correct facts.


Nothing stopping you from creating a free address. Microsoft is your support choice in that case.


Good luck with your chosen course of action.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 12 of 18

You can feed me your version of the facts and you are right, I dont have to eat them. After lengthy phone calls, you are saying something very different from talk talk suport, so in light of conflicting versions I'm pretty much entitled to use common sense to draw a conclusion based on Occams Razor. 

And yes, Im sure they will be glad to see the back of me and I of them, but not before trading standards have an input. You simply cannot advertise services and take payment, then not deliver those services. For years now they have been telling me I can have up to 5 email accounts, but when I query that, its always a half baked excuse about still working on the system. Nonsense. They should be telling all of their customers when problems arise, but they won't. They just don't care. 

Message 13 of 18

I can feed you the facts but cannot get you to eat them!


If you want to ditch TalkTalk Mail at least you have made your choice.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 18

I admire your loyalty, but I dont accept that it is a gmail issue.  A few weeks ago talk talk were messing about with their own spam settings and that resulted in many users being unable to send any emails for several days. Straight after, this happens.

I cannot believe, and refuse to accept, that two tech giants cannot get together to solve this.  OFCOM are going to have to step in. It shouldnt be me spending countless hours creating new accounts and trying to backtrack emails just so I can get a paid for email account to function! What sort of business model is that? lol 

But regardless, Im just going to change addresses and bin talk talk altogether. Its a huge amount of work but than again, its a huge amount of work trying to get talk talk to honour their commitment as a service provider. 

Message 15 of 18

I understand your frustration with the Gmail actions. I understand that TalkTalk's Mail team have done all they can.


It's a Gmail policy issue.


You can create a free Gmail account for advising your contacts.


GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 18

Thanks, that may be the case, I havent been able to go through every email Ive sent for the last few weeks to check that, but it raises the problem that if they aren't getting the emails, how do I tell them to mark the address as being not Spam? Im going to have to create a new email address in order to do that and resend everything, in which case whats the point in keeping this one I've had for 20 years? 

Surely they know about this? Trying to resolve it over the phone or in live chat is a massively time consuming exercise in futility. 

So thanks for your response and it sheds a bit of light on this, but for gods sake, if you know this, why don't Talk Talk and if they do, why arent they sorting it for their customers?

I continue to despair, but thanks, its appreciated. 

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 17 of 18

I believe it's only Gmail that is dropping TalkTalk Mail into spam folders without checking if it is spam.


Ask your recipients to check the spam folder and mark all TalkTalk Mail as not spam to get all future mail into the Inbox.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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