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Messing my account up AGAIN

Private Message TalkTalk
Private Message TalkTalk

Message 2 of 2

Hi I am emailing you because I am totally disgusted in the service you are giving me. 

I have been migrated over from Shell … I have been trying to set up a direct debit and get online since April 2024. 

once again you have sent me a bill for not paying when I have NOT AGAIN received my direct debit !!!!!


plesse go back and listen to the hundreds of conversations I have had with you and how I have tried in many occasions to get this sorted. 

please action this request ASAP


My account number 

** removed **

martina woods



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2

You you be best to speak to the Shell Migration team on 03451 720088 (open 9am - 7pm) as staff here do not have access to the shell system.


This is a team dedicated to Shell issues so please be specific in asking for this team when the phone is answered.


Hope you get this sorted.

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