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Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.

No Onetel email except webmail

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Message 17 of 17

I've just had to log in using a dormant talktalk email account as I've not had any emails on two Onetel account since yesterday using Outlook 2007. Tried updating the new POP servers and encryption to TLS but nothing coming through.


Both the wife and I are reliant on the Onetel email addresses we use and I'm desperate for some assistance.


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Message 1 of 17

Just to pick up from last nights conversation - I'd like the server settings to set up my email address in BlueMail as the settings I'm attempting to input aren't working and there's little to be found on the help pages.


Message 2 of 17

This has to be sorted with immediate effect. I have patients on the 'critical' list I no longer have contact to.


I cannot believe Onetel email has been scuppored. Please No!


As previously TalkTalk subscription will end tomorrow, Was Onetel # 91 upon their launch and 25 years of angst will push me to BT or Virgin.



Message 3 of 17

So, "dormant account" meaning you're not a TalkTalk Consumer broadband customer nor a TalkTalk MailPlus subscription customer?


Onetel mail is not being discontinued. But to continue using TalkTalk Mail non-customers must subscribe to TalkTalk MailPlus.


Outlook 2007 reached end-of-life support 5 years ago. To continue its use, to continue using insecure mail settings puts your security, the security of your clients and the security of the TalkTalk Mail platform at risk.


Continually ignoring TalkTalk advice on such security has resulted in an action of last resort to put a stop to the use of insecure settings.


You still have access to webmail that is secure by design through an up to date supported browser like Chrome, Edge and Firefox. So in no way have you been unable to get emails to and from your desktop. But we don't know how insecure that device is.


TalkTalk can choose to give you device access back. But they'll have to carry out their own assessment of the security risk.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 4 of 17

I sympathise if you were affected by the data breach of a few years ago, I was very nervous myself at the time. And I don't doubt the urgency of your inability to access your emails as it is for the many other posters who failed to heed, or notice the warnings from TalkTalk about security issues leading to restrictions.  But please try to be patient and the team will help as they have in many other similar cases. 

Message 5 of 17

My TalkTalk account settings, bank details and personal information have been circulating the WWW for 10 years. Every online account was fuxored due to a breach. I did get a 12 month free credit check by way of compensation. 


I need access to my Onetel email on my desktop and I need the correct settings to do this. This is vital and I rely on this email for client contact.


I cannot explain the urgency for the friends and family effected to my patients.


Message 6 of 17

@JulianW wrote:

a) I've updated my actual profile using a dormant account per this posting username.


I am not sure what you mean by that? If you are an active TalkTalk customer then your landline number, or account number, will allow the support team to access your details in the first instance. Once they have done that they can take this further.


And please bear in mind that @Gondola is just a fellow customer who happens to give their time and expertise quite freely in trying to help others such as yourself. 

Message 7 of 17

a) I've updated my actual profile using a dormant account per this posting username.

b) Online mailbox is what it is...but I reiterate that you did not advise that Onetel email services were being discontinued. You waffled on about vulnerabilities with my Outlook programme being vulnerable (comical since I lost my PayPal account due to the TalkTalk hack).

c) Is the Onetel email now dead on email client software like Bluemail? Are you going to restore access?


There must be thousands of Ontel clients being hit by this as it seems you're completely fuxored whatever client or device you are using.


Message 8 of 17

Device access has been withdrawn for the onetel mailbox due to the continued use of insecure settings. No email client or email software will authenticate a connection until TalkTalk restore access.


Going back to:

a) updating your Community profile that you haven't yet done

b) advising what you found in the online mailbox



GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 9 of 17

OK - I've downloaded BlueMail but it won't let me connect to the TalkTalk server using the using POP3 Port 995. I can't progress past the initial Incoming Server prompt. I can't see anything on the help page you linked to.


Any advice on Onetel settings for BlueMail?


Message 10 of 17

The mailbox will be operating as normal. TalkTalk aren't stopping mail in or out


Prepare for TalkTalk Mail Support by including in your Community Profile, Personal Information (here):

  • Your name, current home 'phone number. An alternative (mobile preferred) contact number. Full address with postcode (Location)
  • Scroll down to Private notes to add email address(es), notes and references etc
  • After checking and updating, Save changes

Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your email address and password, select Sign in.


Check the  Inbox first and then check  Spam and  Trash folders for mail messages that may have been diverted from the Inbox. Bear in mind the spam and trash folders normally contain mail not older than 30 days.


Compose and self-send the same mailbox a mail message. Check that the message sends without error, is copied into the Sent objects folder and arrives and stays in the Inbox.


Mail not reaching the Inbox could mean there's a Filter rule, including an Auto forward which is a special filter rule, that's diverting, discarding or blocking mail.

  • To check, select the Main Settings menu icon      triple line icon top right on the blue header
    (Mobile browser? use the desktop version)
  • Select Settings from the top of the menu
  • Select the inward facing arrowhead by Mail (or Email) in the left side panel
  • Select Filter Rules
    If there's no rule defined, that's perfect
  • To delete a Filter rule including any Auto forward
    select the Dustbin icon    to the right of the rule
    The icon background will turn red    
  • To confirm you really want to delete this Filter rule
    Select the blue Delete button

Let us know of any error message, or if mail did not arrive in the Inbox or disappeared from the Inbox.


If you think your password has been discovered based on what you see then scan your device to remove any virus and or malware and upgrade the password to lock out any unauthorised activity.


The Reset password now button in the help article  Changing your email password will take you to password reset and recovery. 

If you have set up password recovery options, in advance, that you recognise from the *****hints, then you can send your alternate email address a link or your mobile a 6-digit code to authorise a password reset.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 11 of 17

Opera browser isn't supported. Managed to log in using Chrome but no emails in the inbox other than two new ones linked to this conversation. There should have been several emails received into the inbox in question this afternoon with several attachments. Are these now lost in the ether?


Message 12 of 17

I've given you the webmail sign in.


What happens when you sign in with your full onetel email address and onetel password?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 13 of 17

So without any advance notification TalkTalk have unwittingly left both my wife and I without email?


I'm currently in the last throws of a large insurance case and it's vital that I have access to some documents that were emailed today. If you can kindly give advice as how I can log into the Onetel webmail then this would be appreciated.


As one who was badly effected by the cyber hack several years ago this is the straw that has broken the camel's back, I'm out of here tomorrow!


Message 14 of 17

Noted you say you cannot sign in to webmail.


Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your full TalkTalk Mail onetel email address and onetel password, select Sign in.


What error message do you see?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 17

Hi JulianW 


Your onetel mailboxes will have received the message from TalkTalk advising "Our records show that you are still accessing your email using unencrypted email settings, because of this, from 17th February you will no longer be able to receive or send emails via this email app or software".


This means you have access to your mailboxes limited to webmail only access. Good to know that you can therefore use webmail to keep in touch. Continued use of insecure settings meant TalkTalk were forced to take the action of last resort of removing device access other than via webmail.


Your Outlook 2007 is not only way past end of life and a security risk but incapable of providing secure mail connections to the TLS 1.2 minimum standard required. Please cease the use of Outlook 2007.


The upgrade path is to Windows 10 or 11 and Windows Mail, Outlook 365, Thunderbird or BlueMail.


The TalkTalk Mail Support Hub is your go to resource for information, guides and Community support for TalkTalk Consumer home broadband and MailPlus subscribers.


Select here:
TalkTalk Mail Support


TalkTalk Mail help

Email settings and device setup guides for TalkTalk Mail

Setting up TalkTalk email on a Windows PC

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 16 of 17

Gondola has amended the title (thanks) but I can't log into webmail for the Onetel email addresses.