Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 15-02-2024 10:07 AM
I have been hacked he is asking for £500
on 15-02-2024 10:23 AM
Criminals lie so it's not always the case that your email password has been discovered but if it has TalkTalk Support here can help you secure your mailbox.
First, can you sign in to TalkTalk Mail?
Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail
Enter your full TalkTalk Mail email address, select Continue and enter the password, select Sign in.
If you can sign in then check via the user icon top right of TalkTalk Mail and the menu item Update your reset details to check and make sure you do have password change / password recovery options (alternative email address and mobile number) that are correct, current and accessible.
The Reset password now button in the help article Changing your email password will take you to password reset and recovery.
If you have set up password recovery options, in advance, that you recognise from the *****hints, then you can send your alternate email address a link or your mobile a 6-digit code to authorise a password reset. I recommend a password of 12 - 15 multicase letters and numbers and at least one approved symbol. That password should not have been used before or be used anywhere else.
Let us know how you get on and if you cannot sign in to TalkTalk Mail or don't recognise your password recovery options then you'll get help here.
Gondola Community Star 2017-2024
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