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Hi. I have been a talk talk mail customer for many years and have had no reason to consider switching providers until just recently. With the rise of two-factor identification, I am increasingly required to respond to a link or code automatically sent to me during a transaction or login process. On at least 4 separate occasions, my wife and I have not received the link sent to our talk talk account and have had to contact the bank or seller and arrange for the link to be sent by SMS to our phones, or to use my work email account. The four examples that come to mind are "Rubbertoe Replicas", "Master Replicas", "Teacher Pensions" and, just now, "Aviva".
I had a similar problem last year in accessing my Local Government Pension website, and they posted to say their talk talk customers were all facing this problem and that they were working with talk talk to find a solution, which they managed to do (codes get through just fine now). I assume this is the same problem for these different companies.
If we are unable to sort this out then we will reluctantly need to find another provider as it is becoming frustrating not to be able to carry out online transactions/banking using talk talk.