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on 04-02-2025 03:20 PM
Why are my emails from Tiscali being continually rejected by AOL/Yahoo accounts?
on 11-02-2025 11:26 AM
Hi PeterW5, please start your own topic to have your say. Your post hasn't helped the OP and is therefore counter productive.
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on 10-02-2025 12:54 PM
It is all very well saying that this topic is an open incident but it has been a problem area for some time. There are the problems of sending messages which are not accepted - whether this is because of SPAM or TalkTalk's DMARC policy - and the endless SPAM messages which say they are from TT, using addresses, threatening to cut us off if we don't reconfirm our account. I have been told that we can no longer set up any alternative email addresses, that forwarding is no longer possible because it will be rejected, and that TT is dealing with some fraudulent activity. This should be treated as a major incident with all customers being kept up to date on what are the known problems and what TT is doing about it. I see also that one of TT's associated companies has lost a lot of customer data so not much going well at the moment - oops!
on 05-02-2025 07:18 AM
Hi alanT6, there is an open incident ticket for this issue. The reason for the mail being rejected is that so much spam has been sent from the TalkTalk servers to those domains that they have to block it to protect their users.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.