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Tiscali email not sending

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 16

Hope someone can look into this issue.

Since early this morning I have not been able to send emails from my address. No error messages appear so it appears they have been sent, but on checking with the intended recipients, the mails don't arrive.

The account is receiving mails fine.



Message 1 of 16

Which recipient mail service put your tiscali mail in a junk folder?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 16

Hi. I have just tried to send email from tiscali at 10.30am and it shows as been sent but ended up in recipient junk folder so obviously still an issue. How frustrating!


Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 16

I have tried this morning and a message sent has come through.  Whether it means fixed I'm not sure.  Looking at other post, seems it has!  The ones I sent myself yesterday have not come through.

I spent quite a long time trying various ways to achieve what I wanted to do.  The fact it was not highlighted in the Service Status made this longer.  As there seemed no other incidents there, I'd have thought someone might have been available to sort this out as it was reported on Monday.  A comment such as "some people are having an issue with email forwarding"  and we are investigating may well have saved customers' time and frustration.



Message 4 of 16

Perfect news.

I appreciate your time to let us all know. Thank you.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 16

Ady, Gondola.....issue appears to be fixed. Thanks for your efforts and expert diagnosis. Hopefully others suffering the same issues will be back to "normal".

Message 6 of 16

We have an open incident for this issue.



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Message 7 of 16

Hi @Ricardo38 and others


Yes, the TT992 bounceback to Gmail explains what I believe is happening to these Tiscali mail messages that are received by the TalkTalk inbound mail server. They're being rejected by TalkTalk's CloudMark (ProofPoint) spam protection filters and are being rejected or dropped by the inbound mail servers.


So, whether it's tiscali to tiscali or tiscali to Gmail and then auto forwarded back to tiscali it's the fact that the tiscali mail server is listed on the SORBS DUHL (ProofPoint) spam blacklist.


I'll ask TalkTalk Support to see if the email admins have requested removal of the SORBS DUHL blacklisting.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 16

Gondola, in answer to your last reply: the auto forwarding is working fine from the Gmail to tiscali....except if the original mail came from ( I now get TT992 undeliverable message in the Gmail account relative to the auto forwarding).

It's odd that it all issues also coincides with mails from to Gmail are being placed in Gmail spam.


There are other "threads" relating to the same issues I'm having.

To recap, my issues are ....; can't send from tiscali to tiscali, and auto forwarding Gmail to tiscali when original mail from tiscali.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 16

This is also my experience as of 15/04/2024 emails are being sent ok (going into Sent Items folder) but not being recieved by recipients since morning of 15/04/2024. This is true for both PC email client and webmail

I have 2 email addresses and tried both to email to my email address and they are not being received.

However, I can send from my email address to my recipient address and it is recieving emails ok. So it seems its only the emails from that are getting stuck in space somewhere.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 16

I have a similar problem but my emails seem to be succesfully sent to non talktalk email addresses. Can’t send to tiscali or talktalk address. Again no error message and messages show in sent box .

please help. I can’t tell who if anybody is receiving my emails .


Message 11 of 16

Nothing at all to do with anything other than removing the ability for users to create, add or delete email addresses / mailboxes. This was put into place in July 2023 to facilitate the smooth migration of mailboxes from one platform to another keeping the entire database fixed to allow a phased migration in batches over a period of several weeks.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 16


In addition to my previous post...looking in my talktalk account/manage my mail settings (to which my tiscali account is attached)...I don't suppose this might have something to do with it


Please Note - we have temporarily removed the create/delete mailbox functionality as we are performing some backend maintenance work on our email platform. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.


Message 13 of 16

Good to know the Gmail recipient has selected your mail messages in the Spam folder and selected the button 'Report as not spam' that will tell Gmail to deliver all your future messages to the Inbox of that recipient.


Have you verified the Gmail auto forwarding? Verification is required before Gmail will action the auto forward.


As for tiscali to tiscali mail I would normally expect that mail to be delivered. I have checked that to both on platform and off-platform sending does work without any issue. The DNS servers seem to be responding ok so it's not a tiscali DNS issue that I can see.  However, a tiscali IP address is listed by SORBS DUHL blacklist albeit from data acquired in 2023. Maybe the blacklisting is affecting delivery whereas is unaffected.  I have no mailbox to test any theory.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 16

Gondola, sure enough they're appearing in the recipients spam now marked as "not spam"


However if I send a mail to myself ( to, its not appearing in inbox or in spam.

Also, when I send from tiscali to one of my Gmail accounts, it's not auto forwarding back to me...

Any ideas?


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 16

Have you asked the recipient to look in their Spam folder?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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