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Tiscali email suddenly not being received by recipient

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 5

I sent an email two weeks ago to a recipient who I email at least monthly and I have had the email bounced back which was undeliverable. I can email the person from other email account but not Tiscali It isn't going into their spam folder.  can send emails to other people and they receive them ok. Any ideas?


Message 1 of 5


I've tried to send you the error messages in  a private message as you requested  but it won't let me send. It comes up with and error as below. I don't know what that is or how to correct it. I copied and pasted the errors from the emails. 

Hope you can help as I'm still unable to send certain emails and have an increased amount of spam and phishing emails.

Thank you 


Correct the highlighted errors and try again.

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Message 2 of 5

Hi PandoraS15, are you able to send me the full error message in a personal message? If you can please do. 



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Message 3 of 5

Thank you for your help. I've changed my password and checked email rules  when I  spoke to talk talk today but they said there is nothing else they can do, there isn't a problem with  my account. and 'talk talk are doing everything they can to protect spam, phishing etc.'  It seems inconsistent  that some emails reaching Gmail  accounts and others not some go into inbox and others into junk, some go into their junk, Outlook  no emails being received, Sky emails go into junk, (is that  Yahoo?)A  Hotmail email was  received. So far today I've only received one phishing email, I have been reporting as many as I can and blocking  senders  and reporting spam.

My iCloud account is now receiving junk, which normally goes through to my inbox ok. 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 5

Staff will respond after the weekend, @PandoraS15.


I'll remove the duplicate post. Please just follow up on this one.


Add the details about your incoming emails not being received or going to spam, as it's possibly part of the same issue. 


Best kept in one thread.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.