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Upgraded E-Mail Account Empty.

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 4



Although I have a account, if it weren't for the messages on this forum directing me to, I would not have recovered from the heart failure I almost had this morning when seeing the empty mailbox of the "upgraded" experience.


I'm disappointed that this announcement wasn't more prominent and widely publicised (you could have sent us an e-mail about what to expect intermittently over the last month warning us about it's implementation) and there should at least be a link on the actual page of the upgraded experience somewhere that you could click on that would take you to the legacy link that works, so we can easily access those e-mails without having to search these very helpful community boards.  Something like, "Unable to see your e-mails?  Click here or go to".  It would have been extraordinarily helpful!


I do have one question though, how long is the expected to work and do we need to make plans to save important e-mails before it disappears?  Or is the plan to transfer our e-mails to the upgraded experience (which, to be fair, does look really good)?  I have enclosed a screenshot of what I see when I use the URL for your reference.


Kind regards,


Screenshot 2023-06-28.png


Message 1 of 4

Hi Teresa


Grateful thanks for the screenshots.


Looks like TalkTalk are dropping Tasks and Calendar from the basic options. So, the upgrade is not so much an improvement as a downgrade to save TalkTalk money. But maybe not many of us use Tasks although I do use the calendar that, with OX Cloud 8, has better CALDAV synchronisation to other calendars.


Add mail account is on the New email button then and not on both the New email button and on the My folders options. It's a change from the standard OX Mail product. I was expecting to see an Add alias email address on the New email button.


You're absolutely right to voice disapproval with the TalkTalk managment of this so-called improvement. And the fact that your mailbox emails haven't been migrated as well as not having any instructions to follow is not good.


I'm pleased that you found your mailbox and emails via the link that I suspect is for those of us either not yet upgraded or that aren't going to be upgraded. I'm ceasing to think of this as an upgrade as in reality it appears to be a cost saving downgrade that is just an update from version 7.8.4 to version 8.?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 4

Hello Gondola.


Many thanks for your kind reply.  I'm most grateful.  I hope the following screenshots might help provide the answers to your questions.  When I select the triple line menu, here's what appears:


Screenshot 2023-06-28 135544.png


When I select the new e-mail button, the following options appear: 


Screenshot 2023-06-28 135416.png


For fun, I selected the "Add Mail Account" option and input my e-mail address and password, but was met with the following response:


Screenshot 2023-06-28 140144.png



I did try to configure it manually, but will need to dig around to find out the Server Type (although the only available option appears to be IMAP) and the "Incoming Server" and the "Outgoing Server Name (SMTP)" before it will allow me access.


Finally, this is the result of selecting the New Folders item:


Screenshot 2023-06-28 135159.png

I hope I have answered your questions fully, but if you need any further information, please feel free to ask.  I'm just grateful that I can get into the old legacy URL, it was mostly the abject fear that all my e-mails had disappeared this morning and then having to find them that made me indignant enough that I felt I needed to voice my disapproval with the way TalkTalk had gone about managing the change (which is not very well).


With best wishes,



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 4

Hi Teresa


Thanks for the screenshot. This confirms that there is an upgrade to the Open-Xchange Cloud 8 mail platform from the existing Open-Xchange version 7.8.4 . Something that I have been asking TalkTalk to confirm for some time now.  Interesting that there's no calendar or tasks icon on the header.


You're totally right that TalkTalk should have sent you an email notifying of the upgrade and how to use the new mail interface.


When you select the triple lines menu icon do you see Tasks and Calendar shown there?


When you select The New email button what do you see?


When selecting My folders do you get the option to Add Email Account?


Add email account




GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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