Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
keep getting the following message.
Wrong or missing login data to access e-mail transport server Please check associated account's settings/credentials.
any ideas
Hi DaveP81, the incident was fixed yesterday. Your mail should be working normally now.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
Hi, same here, cannot forward e-mails.
Wrong or missing login data to access e-mail transport server Please check associated account's settings/credentials.
I'm getting the same message, no one to contact, it's a mess, come on talktalk wake up and sort it
Sunday - last edited Sunday
Hi @Trish20 as there is little or no chance of a solution today I would suggest the highly practical option of creating a non ISP dependant email account, Gmail or outlook for example? Costs nothing and is portable.
Been getting this message for well over half an hour. So frustrating. Need to send something urgently.
Sunday - last edited Sunday
Hi I am having the same issues. Can send via the app on my android phone but not on my PC , either on the app or the web. Very strange
I have exactly the same message preventing me from contacting colleagues this morning
Just to add my voice to this one, my wife is suddenly unable to send emails with the same error message. She was able to do so last night. We need it to be fixed sharpish!
I also have the same problem
We have the same problem as DaveP81. Can't even send an email to ourselves. Never seen this warning message before, in all the 20 years we have been with TalkTalk (and Tiscali before them). Professional intervention / reply would be appreciated!
Hi @DaveP81 as you will have noticed TT are having a difficult time with email at the moment. They are aware and working on it but no timescale for resolution as yet. I strongly suspect that there are changes going on in the background which are causing these issues. Hopefully they will be completed sooner than later. Your post has been escalated.