Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 02-02-2025 02:35 PM
Hi All
Same problem again - .tinyword emails not sending.
Previous posts copied below, rather than write everything out again.
Getting beyond a joke now - TalkTalk needs to fix this issue properly without delay - really not fair for customers to be having these repeated issues.
I raised an issue on Friday, advising that our .tinyworld email accounts were not sending emails (I've copied the original message below - bold italics - rather than type it all again).
Several other customers were having the same issue and eventually, it was sorted out on Friday afternoon. Emails have worked fine until this afternoon/evening, when the problem re-occured and we are, once again, unable to send emails on our .tinyworld accounts (as previous, my .tiscali email appears unaffected).
I'd be grateful if one of the Mods could look at this as soon as poss, please, as it's causing no end of problems.
Mod Ady - I see from other contributors' posts that you've raised an incident for this issue - I've taken the liberty therefore, of messaging you directly to add me to the list of affected customers (hope this is OK?).
Kind regards
Friday 24th Jan 25
Morning all
I haven't been able to send emails from my .tinyworld email address since yesterday afternoon/evening. My wife has the same issue on her .tinyworld emails. Both seem to be receiving emails OK.
Hoped the issue might resolve overnight, but is still persisting this morning.
Error message is;
"An error occurred inside the server which prevented it from fulfilling the request."
My .tiscali email appears to be sending OK, so looks like an issue with . tinyworld emails.
Other community members also seem to be having issues with .tinyworld too which suggests some sort of issue at the talktalk server end?
I'd be grateful if one of the Mods could take a look at this as soon as poss please, as these email account (especially my wife's) are in regular use for important work issues.
Kind Regards
on 04-02-2025 10:50 AM
Hi yogaman, if you need to take this further you can raise a complaint using the information provided at the bottom of every TalkTalk webpage.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 03-02-2025 12:16 PM
Just bumping this one, so that Mods are aware that this problem has re-occured, though I can see that others are experiencing the same issues.
My .tiscali email account is glitchy this morning too - perhaps a sign that someone is working on the servers (or am I just clutching at straws?)