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tinyworld still not sending

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

Still no ability to send emails and still nothing seems to be being done. The server status still says no issues - this is beyond ridiculous now! The only response I seem to have had is someone (I guess a talktalk employee but not really sure!) replying on a thread here that I shouldn't have posted a new thread about this!

I think that there probably needs to be a collective complaint to ofcom from all affected, although I have a feeling that this whole issue may be a symptom of a failed company that has large debts and maybe is about to go under.  I'm at a loss with it as I can't reply to work contracts and am now going to have to start trying to transfer everything over to an email provider that works. 

If there is anyone from talktalk looking at these, please get this fixed asap. 


Message 1 of 3

Find ady-talktalk in one of the other threads and email him making sure you give him your email address


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Another day without the ability to send (3 now this time) with the same old response from the server and nothing from TT apart from Ady's best efforts.  At least receiving emails has sped up but always an instant bounce back from sent mails