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Internet Freezing

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 32 of 32

Hi, I have had issues with my internet for 2 weeks now; where when uploading or downloading data my mobile or desktop freezes (desktop 'not responding' for about a minute, with the mobile I have to turn off wifi and use my mobile data to download.  After using self help to diagnose via Talk Talks webpage, and getting absolutely nowhere, today I got of of Technical support, who after about an hour informed me that I had too many devices connected to my router, I should only have between 5 and 8, and suggested that I remove some devices.  Can someone please verify what the issue is with my router, and if the max devices I can connect to the router is 8 - if so I have been sold a white elephant and need to switch to another provider.


Message 21 of 32

Hi Andy,


Thank you for the update. The line test is clear and the sync speed looks consistent for the last 48hrs. Can I just confirm, does this also happen if you connect wired please?





Message 22 of 32

Hi Debbie,


I received notification and then my new router - ty - however. Having received the new router I initially 6 devices. While setting up these devices on the new router the internet dropped out a few times and has done so daily on the odd occasions, in addition our iPhones and Desktop still freeze when downloading content.  I have then added a couple more devices yesterday including Alexa, and while Alexa will tell me the time etc it will not play radio / music.  When researching this I have done everything they have asked from uninstalling to factory reset to making sure other devices are physically off and still the radio and music will not play, so the only other possible reason for the music not playing is that there is a issue with the internet / bandwidth (although as I said I switch virtually every other device off so I don't see how bandwidth is an issue).

Couple of things:  I have not connected any new devices to my router in approximately a year and until about 6 weeks ago everything has been running fine.  Indeed, on may occasions when we have family with us there have been many more devices connected to the router and it still worked fine.  Second thing is, and I don't know if this is a coincidence, all these issues started recently, about 6-8 weeks ago.  Around that time our post code had Fibre to Home connected, and a number of people have had FTH installed, a couple of other people also had issues with their internet (broken lines).  Our BT line/fibre broadband and now the FTH all come from the same telegraph post. 

Can someone please let me know what I need to do next...


Message 23 of 32

Hi Andy_34Bravo


Have you received a notification for the router delivery?


Message 24 of 32

Hi Andy_34Bravo


Thanks for your reply 🙂


The router is on its way, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


Let us know how the connection compares with this router.




Message 25 of 32

Hi Debbie,  yes please.

Message 26 of 32

Hi Andy_34Bravo


I think we should send a replacement router for testing. Are you happy for me to arrange this?


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 27 of 32

Oh, forgot, I do not have another router.


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 32

Hi Michelle,


No, the router is on permanently and apart from once approx. 3 weeks ago I have not physically turned the router off (on that occasion is was to try to re-boot the router to stop all this from happening).  I did note this morning that the router disconnected from the network and restarted. With regards other affected devices, both my wife's and my iPhones freeze all the time when downloading or uploading data (so we have to use our mobile data), also the desktop computer does much the same.  The computer is almost getting to the point of being unusable.  




Message 29 of 32

Hi Andy,


Thank you. I've run a test on the line now which is clear, however I can see a few re-connections on the line. Can I just confirm, have you been rebooting the router? Does this also affect any devices connected wired? Do you have an alternative router that you could test with please?







Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 30 of 32

My profile has now been updated as requested.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 31 of 32

Hi Andy,


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your service. Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.




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